
@jen816 I am so happy to hear!!! If you're still looking for BC, I'd recommend Slynd since we seem to have similar reactions? I love it, hated depo and other POPs
@ron76569 I’m doing a lot better! My endocrine system and my hormones are back to normal again thankfully! I have PCOS and started taking Ovasitol 6 months ago and it’s been a game changer for me.
@dreis wow. wow wow wow. Reading this is SHOCKING me; I’ve had my kyleena for almost the full five years now… and have been struggling with my doctors and gynos to diagnose my pain, burning, and itching during/before/after sex and sometimes just all the time. I’ve been slowly putting on pounds since I had it put in but it happened so gradually I never made the connection. I’m the heaviest i’ve ever been in my life and it seems impossible to lose weight (I’m 23, it shouldn’t be as hard as if I was 45-60) I’m starting to think I need to get it out. Asap. just to see what happens… Whenever I went to the IUD clinic in my city 5 years ago the Kyleena seemed like a radical deal - 5 years no pregnancy with essentially no side effects other than less periods and some spotting? Sign me up! Now that I’m doing some of my own research and some years have passed, it seems like the kyleena is racking up some more complicated symptoms. Thank you OP for sharing this and everyone in the comments as well.
@dreis I just went on a new BC pill and my appetite has absolutely exploded. I'm going to the fridge in the middle of the night and shoveling food in my mouth like I haven't eaten since Christmas and I NEVER do that. I also JUST lost 50 pounds, it took me a year of godawful dieting and hard work, and I've already gained 5 pounds back in a month. Second biggest complaint is debilitating anxiety and violent mood swings. I'm literally losing my relationship because my head is haywire on these pills.

Anyone who tells you hormones don't affect us head to toe is full of poo.

Nope. Not renewing my prescription next month. Eff this. I REFUSE to get big again.
@dreis I'm on my third year of kyleena and while the first month was absolute trash for me, I barely get my period just occasional random cramps. I don't know if my weight gain is related to my bc or not. It really is crazy how every birth control method affects every individual so drastically different.
@dreis I’m really sorry to hear that and hope that removal goes smoothly for you and you find something that works with minimal side effects. I’ve had Kyleena since July 2018 (due to have my next one inserted this upcoming July) and I haven’t noticed any side effects besides the fact I don’t have periods anymore. It really just depends on the person.
@dreis I felt the same way! Got my second one out a few weeks ago and I feel like a new woman! The severe Bloating and random back pain miraculously vanished. Sounds like you made the right choice.
@dreis Studies looking at breast tissue using MRI showed that women on birth control pills and IUDs had similar changes before and after birth control, meaning that the hormone in the IUD is NOT localized. That is the reason I removed my Kyleena. I had weight gain that would not stop no matter how hard I tried to stay active. I kept having to buy new pants because of the weight gain and the bloating. I was in pain constantly along with bloating. I lost all confidence and started having body image issues again. I had insomnia, vertigo, mental health issues, and many other things that began happening. It was subtle and gradual, but one day it hit me that it all begun 2.5 years ago when I first got Kyleena inserted. I took it out a few weeks ago and am already see improvements.
@dreis I’d recommend Nexplanon but it makes me drier than the Sahara desert and so damn itchy and moods just all over the place. But it works and don’t have to worry about it for 3 years plus there’s always lube
@dreis Okay this post just convinced me to make an appointment to get my Mirena out. I’ve been having the same symptoms and I’m tired of my clothes not fitting! I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling gaslit that the “hormones are localized”
@dreis I just had mine put in today and the pain was unbearable, however so far so good, minimal bleeding and cramps are not so bad, the bloating and weight gain are worrying me but I’ll update if that happens to me. I got it because I was on cerelle the pill for 8 months and was bleeding basically non stop for 8 months and had the worst mood swings so I don’t think anything can be worse than that
@alliewilson My insertion was almost painless (i was very surprised too). Had my 1 month IUD anniverisary yesterday (yay) and its been a very painful month with tons of bleeding, cramps and mood swings. Its almost disappeared now tho, which Im super happy about! How is your experience?