
@dreis Sigh* I feel like I’m the only one who felt better with the Kyleena. I had mine removed due to it being perforated, and I have had the worst pain I have experienced in a very long time, and my periods have been non stop heavy.
@ash777 ive had mine for 2.5 years. the first 2 years were great but now its causing some pretty unpleasant side effects. ): its the only thing that works for me but i might have to get it out
@ash777 My periods were consistently 7 days long and heavy before I got kyleena, now I only need liners for a day or two every few months because I bleed so little and so rarely. I still get cramps but they aren't as bad as they were before birth control.
@ash777 i’ve had mine now coming up on the 5 year mark, i have endo so kyleena actually really helped. it also regulated my cycle for the most part, up until recently, of which its become irregular again
@joelgreen30 Yeah, I really think it did help me ugh. I still have very heavy periods. My ultrasounds were clean but no surgery to rule out endo. I have heavy and painful periods
@ash777 makes me scared that i might be pregnant, lol. i haven’t gotten my period in over a month now. i usually get it every three weeks, it’s been over 5. a liiiiiittle worried
@dreis (23F, no previous pregnancies or kids)
Kyleena was horrible for me, and I gained tons of weight with it even though I ate no differently. I had shooting cramps in my legs and pelvis, and constant mood swings. It was awful. I got it taken out and got skyla. Literally magic in comparison. Hardly any side effects at all other than irregular periods when I ACTUALLY get them.
@dreis I had debilitating stabbing pains every day for two years on Kyleena. Every time I went to visit, "It's perfectly in place! No cysts in sight! Can't be the IUD." Sureeeeeeee. The day I removed it was the first day pain-free in years.
@jen816 Hey, so sorry to hear you're facing such indescribable pain. After the small discomforts of removal subsided, I would say I never felt them again after the day of removal. It should be pretty instant. Hope this happens for you