Kid is 7 and starting to stink

@onewithfaith I have a tree nut allergy as well and that hasn’t been an issue with any deodorant. I need the antiperspirant but dove men +care has been pretty good for me since I have sensitive skin.
@onewithfaith What kind of soap are you using on him? It might sound kind of granola-ish, but you might just need to use something a little gentler. Body smells come from bacteria on the surface, and the cleaners that we use have a big effect on that. You have to understand that we've only been using deodorant for about 1% of our time as a species, and it's not like people were just smelling like shit for 99% of our existence. What works for some people doesn't work for others, and there will always be bacteria on our bodies producing waste, so sometimes stripping them off with antibacterials can make the problem worse. You could always just smear some Old Spice under his armpits, but it might be worth trying some other soaps first, especially something that allows his body to find an equilibrium and stop making a stink.
@onewithfaith If he’s developing body odor and it’s not just because he’s not showering enough, I’d take him in to see his pediatrician. BO at 7 years old for a boy can be a sign of early puberty which may sometimes need treatment. If this is just a hygiene thing, I wouldn’t sweat it.
@onewithfaith I recently took my daughter to an endocrinologist because she started smelling at 5 (7 now). Nothing concerning.

But OP, after bathing every night and trying different deodorants, the game changer for us was antibacterial soap, Dial specifically. The smell isn't completely gone, but it is manageable.
@onewithfaith I use the Dr. Squatch natural deodorant, and it works great, specifically only the Bay Rum one works for me. But it does strange stuff to my darker shirts, almost like it bleaches them..

Oh, and I am VERY stinky. Most deodorants don't work at all! It's pretty much Dr. Squatch and whatever women's deodorant my wife uses.
@nickytuck It's not about where I'm from or where you're from. My point was that a question about deoderant leads to people giving you ideas of what the problem could be based on their personal experiences. A lot of people have brought up concepts like diet. I didn't know that lactose intolerance can cause body odor. So, yes, a lot of people probably read it and go, "why did some dude need advice on what deoderant to use?". But there's also a lot of people with valuable information. Knowledge comes from asking questions.