Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

@kolpevibeli Nope. I’m 39 and my husband will turn 41 right after our baby is born. Nbd. My mil had my husband when she was 39, and is looking forward to her first grandbaby.
@kolpevibeli There is a lot of focus on age of the parents when having your first child, for example people telling women they need to have their kids before turning 35 etc.

When I though about my extended family I always considered the parents ages when having their first children, usually late twenties or early thirties.

However when I flip it and then about the last children they had… my parents were 40 & 42 when my youngest brother was born and I have many aunts & uncles whose youngest children were born while they were around 40.

Or you could take some extreme examples:

Mick Jagger is 78 and has a five year old!
@kolpevibeli I had similar thoughts, but we’re expecting our first in a few weeks, and I’ll be 43 in July. Sure, I may be fat, bald, and grey when he graduates high school, but I’m fat, bald, and grey already, so I may as well be a dad, too!

Look through these comments - there will be plenty of us 40+ new dads that it will be a new(ish) norm. If you want to be a father, and you’re prepared with everything but youth, you’re more than ready.
@kolpevibeli I'll be 38 next month and my wife just found out 2 weeks ago she was pregnant.

I've already started to hit the gym to get my dad strength and improve my flexibility.

We got this dude!
@kansild Thankfully the kids are healthy. And I couldn't be happier. I'm tired all the time and they're relentlessly needy, but they bring me so much happiness. And I feel like I'm such a better parent now that I ever would have been when I was younger.
@kolpevibeli 37 and just became a dad too. I feel like it’ll be the last and probably the greatest and most important thing I do with my life. If my daughter grows up healthy and happy and able to live well then that’s enough.