Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

@kolpevibeli There is a lot of focus on age of the parents when having your first child, for example people telling women they need to have their kids before turning 35 etc.

When I though about my extended family I always considered the parents ages when having their first children, usually late twenties or early thirties.

However when I flip it and then about the last children they had… my parents were 40 & 42 when my youngest brother was born and I have many aunts & uncles whose youngest children were born while they were around 40.

Or you could take some extreme examples:

Mick Jagger is 78 and has a five year old!
@kolpevibeli I had similar thoughts, but we’re expecting our first in a few weeks, and I’ll be 43 in July. Sure, I may be fat, bald, and grey when he graduates high school, but I’m fat, bald, and grey already, so I may as well be a dad, too!

Look through these comments - there will be plenty of us 40+ new dads that it will be a new(ish) norm. If you want to be a father, and you’re prepared with everything but youth, you’re more than ready.