My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

@philtheolus Can you contact her parents directly? Maybe they will be more reasonable because they also might want to help their pre-schooler daughter with boundaries or body parts? Might backfire, depending on parents, but worth a try. Usually where I am we have a parent's whatsapp group.
@philtheolus Our school did almost the same thing! When my girls told me so and so poked them there the teacher actually believed me and told me that girl had a problem with poking everyone. She talked to her mom. Then weeks later the same girl scratched one of them and the school tried to tell me that it didn’t happen. Just keep your stance and reiterate that you are advocating for your child and they need to take this seriously before there is further action.
@philtheolus Escalate this. It could be completely innocent and a misunderstanding. Or it could indicate that Thalia is expressing normal child curiosity, or it could be a sign she herself is a victim of abuse.

As an educator the idea that you wouldn't have that conversation baffles and concerns me. This is like 101 clear safeguarding response. You check up on it. The majority of the time it is innocent, but it's not worth ignoring because it will be an "uncomfortable" conversation.

As a parent I would want to know if another child said that about my child, so I could get to the bottom of it and teach my child what is and isn't appropriate.