Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

@kolpevibeli As someone who was born to a mother who was 38, no, not at all. I'm 27 now and my parents through my whole life have been my best friend, closest confidants, and first port of call for advice. I encourage you to flip your perspective: you have the opportunity to vastly enrich your child's life with your experience and wisdom.
@kolpevibeli My dad is 75 and I’m 33. He’s always been a great dad. He’s full of silly wisdom and went to every game or performance I had. He’s awesome. Now he shows up with donuts and toys that are too old for my infant son. Lol. He’s the cutest grand dad alive.

39 is not too old to be a dad. Actually there are some advantages.
@kolpevibeli I’m 40 and expecting my first in like… oh crap… 12 weeks…

I’m not to old for this, if anything I’m slightly better prepared than I would of been at any other point in my life. From someone who doesn’t remember large portions of his 20’s, you got this man,
@kolpevibeli Yes but welcome to the club. I am 39 now and 38 when he was born. For me, 35 hit hard and the aches and pains are real. I really wish I did this a few years earlier when I had more energy and could deal with the lack of sleep. BUT it's still amazing and worth it.
@kolpevibeli I’m 38 and expecting my first child! For me I think i would not have been as ready before as I am now.
I think this is the perfect time for me to be a best dad I can be!
@kolpevibeli Had my first at 39 as well. I totally get where you are coming from. That's been holding me back from having a second even though I wouldn't mind another.

I'll say this, baby is on their way so do want you gotta to do as best as you can and love them.
@kolpevibeli My husband is 37 and I'm 6 months pregnant. It took us 6 years to get pregnant. I'm still trying to convince him to have another. You're not too old and you'll be a great dad no matter your age. Don't worry. Some of the best dads I know were in their 60s when their kids went to college.
@kolpevibeli I hope not. Had my first at 41, I’m 43 now and second child is due soon. Do I wish I was younger so that I could have more time with my kids? Of course. Do in let it bother me? One look at my child and not at all.
@kolpevibeli If you out the effort in you can be fit and healthy into your 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s. I saw a video today of a 91 year old squatting 225 lbs for 5 reps.

If you want it you can be fit vital and healthy for your kids at almost any age.
@kolpevibeli My dad was 39 when I was born, as a kid I never felt like anything was different. I’m 32 now and he is 71 so old age is starting to get him. But through my childhood nothing felt off, but he was filling a very traditional type father role.

But he has seen me get married, start a good career and I had my daughter when I was 28 so he hasn’t missed anything.

But my daughter drains my early 30s energy so that would be my biggest worry having kids later, but that is individual. I just get worn out easy.

I will admit, I do like that my daughter will be off to university when I am 46.
@kolpevibeli I'm 40 and having our 3rd kids in a few months. I think about how much more we know about health and wellness than our parents did. I am not a health nut by any means, but I am in way better shape than my Dad was at my age. Its important to look after yourself so your kid has a father when they're older.

Side note: I worked with a guy who was in his 60's having a kids. His dad was in his 70 when he was born and his grandpa was in his 70s then the dad was born. So my friends grandpa was born in the early 1830s and was middle aged when Lincoln was assassinated.
@kolpevibeli Try not to worry about things you can't control. Plenty of younger people have health issues, and lean on family to help when needed. IMO the hardest time physically is when they are around 1 year but before they start walking. I def had back issues from lugging a 20 lb baby around, but then it gets easier after they start walking.
@kolpevibeli My dad was 51 when he had me and have a brother who is ~2 years younger as well.

As a kid people would sometimes mistake him for my grandpa but that was really the only downside on my end.