Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

@kolpevibeli The short answer is no; 39 is definitely not too old, life is long, medicine is good, etc. My more honest answer is that I really hope I'm done having kids by the time I'm 35. I still want to have some vitality and energy left when all my kids are out of the house. That being said, the experience and stability of waiting until 39 or so to have kids is a definite benefit.
@kolpevibeli My dad was 40 when I was born. It definitely gave me a complex that I didn't want kids at too old of an age. At the end of the day though he was a great dad, I still live on the same farmland as him and we work together at a family business, but the shit part is starting to kick in. His health is starting to fall apart, not unusual for mid-70s and his only grandkids are my 4 and 2 year old daughters. They love him, just bothers me how much of him they'll ever remember.
@kolpevibeli Something about your question made me sad and also say awwww at the same time. 35 year old mom to be here (I’ll be 36 a month after bub is born) this is our first and I’m definitely planning on a 2nd. If you love your baby, lead him/her on a beautiful pathway through life…then your age doesn’t matter.
@kolpevibeli Nope. My boyfriend is 38. We are on our first of a planned 3.

I think for us, (we were friends/lovers as teens and in our early 20s) being in our 30s is just how long it took us to be prepared to be parents. We are psyched. But of course it means taking better care of ourselves so we can be there for our kids and stay active.
@kolpevibeli Hope not. Having my first at 41. If nothing else, it further motivates me to exercise and take good care of my health to do activities that other 60 and 70 yr olds can’t.
@kolpevibeli 39 and my 4th will be born any day now. I completely feel you about the age thing. If it's your first or second, go for it. I always recommend to people to have kids from between 24 years old and finish up by 36 if possible. Life happens and you gotta go with it because let's face it, best laid plans fall apart.

Props to all the older dads out there. It ain't easy
@kolpevibeli I'll be a month from 40 when our first is born (not from a lack of trying!). Obviously it differs from person to person, but I think I'm a lot more conscious about taking care of myself, and people are living longer and healthier lives. So don't let it deter you!
@kolpevibeli considering I'm 39 and expecting my first in April? I sure as hell hope not. My dads 58 and we're doing a 5k in May. So yeah... not really worried about not being in peak physical condition. being in my 70''s when their in their 30's is the only thing that makes me nervous. The thought of being towards the twilight when they may just be hitting their stride.
@kolpevibeli Not at all I have a 9 year old and my wife and I are expecting now. I’m 32 and will be retired by the time this new child hits high school if I choose. That means I can go to all sports events ect… without the worry of work getting in the way.
@kolpevibeli I am turning 39 late December. My wife is 34. We have a 2 year old and are planning on number 2. I feel somewhat guilty about my age as a father and it’s tough. Reading this all makes me feel
better though!
@kolpevibeli Hearing you guys talk has made me feel better, some failed relationships and turning 34 next week and not having a family feels wrong, thanks for sharing your stories.