Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

@kolpevibeli My father was 39 when me and my twin sister were born. We had an amazing childhood. Maybe we did play-fight a little less then fathers half his age. But we still had a very strong connection.
@kolpevibeli My dad was 39 when I was born. He was able to be there for the important things, and I didn’t really feel like he didn’t have the vitality then.

Now I’m 28 with a kid on the way, and I’m a little sad they might not get to know their granddad that well, but I don’t think that’s a deterrent for you, just something to keep in mind.
@kolpevibeli I was 39 when we had our son.

It can be a daunting thought on the third week of irregular sleep. But nothing lasts forever.

My son gives me so much energy.

If you love your child, you're never too old.
@kolpevibeli my dad was 40 when i was born (oldest), 44 with his youngest and will be 65 when his first grandchild is born. i love him to pieces! and my man will be 38 when we have our first baby! never too late
@kolpevibeli 40 years old just had 2nd in December. Hearing impaired,diabetic, and generally a 60 year old in a 40 year olds body. Still not too old though I keep joking with the wife gonna be lucky to make to 50 at the rate I’m going.
@kolpevibeli I’m 28 turning 29 this year and my wife is pregnant with our first.

My dad is turning 70 this year so he was 41 when he had me. He was/is a great dad. Always present, always supportive, always involved.

I will say I think a core component to his greatness was that he has always been super fit. He trained in martial arts extensively and always took his health and fitness seriously. This meant that as he aged and we grew up he was able to keep up with me and my two younger brothers. Be it wrestling as a kid, playing at the park, backpacking and kayak trips, biking the neighborhoods whatever we threw at him he always had the energy and drive to be there.

It could have been a vastly different experience if he was out of shape and overweight. Not because his love would have been less but because he almost certainly would not have been able to keep up with 3 boys at 50 or young men at 60 where we were all wanting to go on multi day kayak trips, backpacking, trips, parties, support all of us in our extra curricular, need help moving into university etc.

And now my dad is 70 and his first grand child will be born and hopefully he has many more years ahead of him but because of his dedication to fitness as a young adult and beyond he will be able to (almost) keep up with his grand daughter from new born to many years to come.

So I will say it’s not too late at 39 or at 49 but you have to have the drive to prioritize your son not just as a dad being present but prioritize your health and fitness so that you can be present for all of his life milestones. Being able to take your sons child for a weekend like I am sure you would want your parents to be able to do for you etc.
@kolpevibeli I will be having my first, in September, at 41.

It's been a long time coming (no pun intended) and at one point I thought it was never going to happen.

The age thing has crossed my mind (and still sometimes does) but as alot of people here have said, it's motivated me to look after myself more and you should concentrate on that.

What I can also definitely agree on is what I lose in energy I gain in financial security and experience. If I had had a kid 10 years ago it would have been much much tougher.

Saying that I do only want 1 child if I'm honest. By the time they are 18 I'll be 59 so hopefully still healthy enough to enjoy the rest of my life and free time with my partner 😁
@kolpevibeli i’m 15 and my dad had me at 39. he’s currently 54 and he doesn’t have any complaints or regrets about the age he had me at. he keeps himself very active and healthy. you’ll be alright
here are so many encouraging messages! I am much more confident that I will do a good job. Thank you very much, folks. I myself turn 39 at the end of March and ours comes between June and July.All of this starts because I got a little confused about this age issue because of a "compliment" (or insult hahaha) that a friend of mine made when he commented that he was very inspired by me for the courage to have a child at 38. I never had been an issue up until that point. It undermined my confidence.
hey dads
I come from the future. My son is close to turning 2 years old and it is the experience of my life that has transformed me as a person. Age really is just a number. But if I have any advice for my past self, it's:

"go to the gym and keep your physical and mental health up to date. Create a solid routine so you don't freak out. Because you're going to!"