I think I was threatened at work today

@diamondoutofdust Hey OP — I sued my former employer for workplace discrimination and got a nice settlement. Be smart and follow this advice above.

Also always write emails and texts as though your words will be read in court.

Take this to legaladvice.
@ebeccaray I missed my window to sue my former employer and I regret being uninformed about my rights. It makes me happy to know that someone else had the opportunity
3 hr. ago

This is SUCH GREAT ADVICE. In OP's specific scenario but also in any sort of contentious or potentially litigious scenarios. Write emails and texts as though your words will be read in court. State facts. Be polite. Be professional. Be concise. I would also tell anyone this advice if they were talking about separation or divorce from a spouse, amicable or not.
@diamondoutofdust I can't answer your first question, but in regards to the second. I would go to work as if everything is normal. Don't quit under any circumstances! Let them try to fire you first.. I know you don't want to pump in that gross closet, but maybe it would help to think about how pumping milk for your LO is more important than the fact you're in a closet? Try to find a silver lining! I have a feeling this situation will be temporary, regardless of how things shake out. Wish I could give you a hug!!
@diamondoutofdust Tell you coworkers you’ll be using that empty exam room for x mjn. Make a sign. Stand your ground. In the past I worked in a surgical center. We didn’t have a pump room. One of the OR staff would go to our pre op rooms, shut the door, she also made a sign saying she’s pumping. You have rights. Look into them for your state. Document time date and witnesses if that jerk gives you crap. Congrats, good job on pumping mama, you got this.
@diamondoutofdust Definitely get documentation that accommodations have been made for other employees, if maybe the other one would be able to state that in an email or something? Would add further credibility that the “disruptive to work” argument is BS.

Also I work in a medical office, in MD, and a former employee used our managers office intermittently and one of my students used an empty exam room, so not unheard of at all!
@diamondoutofdust I’m sorry I’m late to the game. We are all sick in my house this week! You got some amazing responses. Like everyone said, walk in head high and as if nothing is wrong. Take pictures, just like others said, of that closet Ms. Dursley has you in.

Do NOT send yourself company emails. Print or take pics of the screen. Do not give them a legit reason to terminate. So that means keep your performance high, and write only what you are willing to share in a courtroom.

As for your point about other lactating mothers you have not experienced this - yes it will be relevant to their defense. But they will put themselves in a bind because if others didn’t have to use the janitors closet then why are you being forced to do so? Was it because you brought up your rights and they retaliated?

Lastly, unfortunately I don’t know anyone in MD. I know people in FL, CA, NY and Wash.
@lmhall Oh no I hope you all feel better!! Thank you for your reply. I did already send myself stuff but I read the entire patient manual and as long as it’s administrative there’s no written policy against it. I’ve already been retaliated against, I got a nasty email in which I was volunteered/pressured to do manual labor (not at all in my job description, I’m a psychotherapist) and after talking to a coworker about my situation this morning, I went for my afternoon pump to find that they locked the closet on me. I ended up cancelling my clients this afternoon, crying, and going home because I really needed to pump, so I’m worried about that, but I definitely need to figure out an attorney this weekend so I’ll be researching that. Just a horrible situation all around and I’m panicking at how quickly it’s all escalated.
@diamondoutofdust Oh no! Please please please write an email about being locked out now to preserve it. Explain that you were forced to leave work early as you had no place to express your breast milk which was causing you physical pain. Write somewhere for yourself any and all coworkers you talked to today and what they know about the situation. They are going to be valuable witnesses for your lawyer.

Lawyer up today. I know it’s stressful, but you are right and they are wrong. Fight back, because this most certainly not okay.
@diamondoutofdust I'm sorry... you were LOCKED IN the chemical-hell closet during the middle of the work day!?

How did you get out? Is there any video recording going on at work that would have caught this behavior?

My heart hurts for you, OP. I'm in Healthcare, in a private practice setting, and this is unconscionable.

Please lawyer up.