The 2:30 am, tooth fairy forgot to break a $20, gas station run - was received well by the clerk (also a dad)

@youcancallmeguy I'm a tech guy, so what did I do? Created an email account for the kids' fairy and sent them a letter.

Dear Kid name here,

I want to apologize for the delay in picking up your recently lost teeth. We here at Tooth Fairy Central pride ourselves in timely tooth removal, but occasionally, delays happen. We want to assure you that your teeth will be picked up on Saturday, August 10th. To ensure a smooth retrieval, please have the teeth safely secured under your pillow and that you are in your bed no later than 9pm. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee removal in locations other than your room (no couchs, floors, or other beds are acceptable). We thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter.


Bramble Starsplatter
Tooth Fairy #24601
Tooth Fairy Central

Kids were thrilled to get a real message from the tooth fairy, and they had specific instruction that weren't from mom and dad, so no arguing about the when and where of bedtime.
@youcancallmeguy My sons first tooth was $10. He held onto that 10 for three months before buying something. It’s not like when you were a kid and a candy bar cost $0.55 they are like $2.50 now. How are your kids going to learn money management if they can’t buy anything with tooth fairy money. You forgot to get change that night well to teach yourself a lesson that tooth is worth that 20. Bet you won’t make that same mistake
@youcancallmeguy Haha, I did the same recently. The going rate here (Aus) is a $2 coin, so I late-night ran to the ATM, pulled out a $20 note, bought an $18 wine from the bottle-o and got my coin in change.

The kids should get card tappers because who has cash these days?
@youcancallmeguy We've got a long time until we have to worry about it (first tooth is JUST visible under the gums) but we've agreed on $20 per well maintained tooth. They only lose 20 teeth over about 6 years.