I think I’m pregnant while on the pill?

@kck That is literally ME RIGHT NOW!!! Since I woke up last week with the thought “ok yeah I’m pregnant” it hasn’t left my mind at all!!! As soon as I wake up and until I go to sleep I’m convinced I’m pregnant. And the negative pee test at home are making me cry?!?! I am not against having a baby, but I’ve NEVER cried over a negative test and I’m not planning to have a baby. It’s SO WEIRD!!
@maryog Gosh, I feel so seen, I’m glad I posted this lololol. I understand exactly how you’re feeling. I took my pee test today at 4:30 am because I couldn’t sleep and wanted to pee and didn’t want to waste the pee lol and I was staring at the negative with such disappointment!!! I just need the way I’ve been feeling to actually make sense…what bothers me too is that the bouts of nausea/gagging are so randooooom and then I feel good like nothing ever happened…
@kck That’s me. I’m taking one every two days give or take at about 6:30am and they’re clearly negative but idk. I’m convinced and that has never happened before. Then I’m like, you’re only convinced because you’re making yourself feel these things. But then I’m like… no I trust my body and intuition. Also convinced they’re negative because it might be too early still (sex was Jan 2-5 I think). But then I’m like.. If you’re having symptoms then it would be positive and you’re not pregnant. But idk.. it just feels so different for the first time ever.
@maryog If your period doesn’t come (which if you want it to, I hope it does!) maybe consider getting the beta test? Although by the time your period doesn’t come (if), the pee test should be positive too according to what I’ve read. But I talked to a friend today and she tested negative 3 times!! Only tested positive around week 8 of pregnancy which freaked me out hahaha