Having a toddler while pregnant is so rough, can I just complain?

@infomommax My daughter is two (three next month) and I totally relate to this. I’m also 9 weeks pregnant and this exact thing literally just pushed us over the edge to enroll her in school. She starts in a few weeks. We live in a HCOL area and it’s $2700 full time M-F. Yikes. It’s not fair to her because I haven’t been able to dedicate the energy or time that she deserves so I feel like it’s for the best. She would wake up and park herself in front of the television and while I usually limit screen time to 30 minutes a day, I just threw in the towel. I’ve been very sick this pregnancy and she’s a little ball of nonstop energy. I think she will be able to get into a routine and socialize with kids her age and I will have time to rest and run errands without wrangling her so I’m happy with my decision.

But yes, I hear you, and it is difficult.
@joydaph Hey that is expensive but worth every penny! My son loves daycare so much, hey barely pays me any mind when I pick him up because he loves the toys lol.
@infomommax Also 9 weeks pregnant, no little one running around but I give you so so so much credit because I literally do not know what I’d do if I had to care for a tiny rambunctious human while dealing with first trimester symptoms
@infomommax Yes, you can complain! It IS very hard! I was pregnant while home with my toddler and just gave birth on Thanksgiving. So right now, I have an almost 6 week old and my toddler turned 2 about 2 months ago. It doesn't get easier once baby is here! Just do what you have to do to survive. Your toddler will survive on pb&j sandwiches and extra screen time won't kill them. It's all temporary. You'll be back to your old routine eventually. Hang in there!
@infomommax Currently 11 weeks with my fourth. My third is 12 months.

A few minutes ago, for the millionth time today, I thought to myself; I’m done being pregnant.

I have no idea how any of you work while pregnant. You have my utmost admiration. I am a useless blob of flesh.
@infomommax My 4 yo just mimicked the barfing noises and ran to tell her dad I was farting out my mouth (burping?) The 2 year old stood there watching like it was a sport and clapped her hands when I finished. Telling me I was a big girl and did it! I mean that felt great but still
@mick34 Whenever I brush my teeth my toddler stands and waits for me to spit and she goes BLERGHHHHH! and that just makes me want to throw up even more than the brushing was making me gag.
@infomommax I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I have a highly active 2year old girl who is attached to the hip. I love her so much but honestly I feel like such a bad mom sometimes because I just don’t have the energy to do all the things she would like me to do. She’s always pulling me in every which direction and I do rely on screen time a lot to get by. I’m currently the only one in my household working full-time and 30 weeks pregnant. I just started to have Braxton Hicks, which are so painful not to mention the round ligament pain that I’ve had since my second trimester. My husband is a great father and great husband but sometimes I do feel he judges me. I know he doesn’t but I do feel this second pregnancy has been much harder than my first both physically and mentally. I feel you and just want you to know that you are not alone!
@infomommax He definitely doesn’t judge me. I suffer from PTSD, anxiety and depression so I tend to get into my head a little. He’s always telling me how great of a mom I am but the anxiety monster and self doubt sometimes tend to sneak in.
@infomommax I don't know how I'm surviving either! I'm 36 weeks pregnant & can't wipe myself in the bathroom without my toddler coming in to shut the lid on me, or bring me random items in the bathroom, or try to stick her hand in. 🤦🏻‍♀️& that's just 3 minutes of my day! Busy chasing her around, cleaning up this fun new spitting behavior that came from nowhere, keeping her from unaliving herself all day, entertaining, feeding, changing a kicking and escaping potty bottom, all the stuff.
@infomommax Complain away! Being pregnant with a toddler is the worse, which is why Ive been telling FTM to have all the naps they can get as that luxury is gone with a second pregnancy! Ive had the flu along with my 17 months old whilst 32 weeks pregnant & it has been awful. I cant even rest as toddler was vomiting & febrial & he only wants me & not his dad…!

Luckily I didnt vomit (just bad nausea) in first trimester & that sounds awful- hope that settles soon for you!
@infomommax Being pregnant with my toddler was one of the hardest things we’ve ever done as a family. The first few weeks with morning sickness was awful and then it was ok for a few months, and the whole third trimester was so so hard. Dad had to really step up towards the end with toddler duty (he’s always been super hands on but he was doing the majority of toddler care in the final weeks). That last month or so was just brutal. We planned an induction week 39 so we knew there was an end date in sight. Good luck!
@infomommax I’m 8.5 weeks pregnant and have a nearly 10 month old and it’s so hard. I’m so miserable. I know it’ll be worth it in the end because I’d do this a million times over for my daughter, but I wish there was a different way.
@andrew4021 Oh man I know that is really tough. 10 months is when my son started getting really busy lol. I sure wish there was a different way, too. I’d love to be able to pay a surrogate who loves to be pregnant!
@infomommax Complain away, it sucks!! Also in my 3rd trimester my toddler reverted to full baby and wanted to be rocked to sleep, except she weighs 30 lbs and I could barely lift her on top of the pregnancy… ugh.