Having a toddler while pregnant is so rough, can I just complain?

@infomommax 21 weeks with an almost 3 years old tornado ! I have nausea and a sciatica, it’s becoming difficult! I cry often in the morning because of the pain and I fear the next months…
@infomommax 23 weeks pregnant and have a 2.5 year old - can confirm it is a bit easier now. She can play independently for a little while and can help bring me things too.

Going on holiday was easier with a 14 month old vs the 2 year old though!
She point blank refused to get entertained over dinner - NOTHING would occupy her. (New fidgety toys, books, colouring, wallet, not even ipad would get her excited ) All she wanted to get out and run about. So we had to chuck our dinner down while the other half was running outside the restaurant with her. Will think twice before taking a 2 yo on a holiday again 🤣🙈
@infomommax On my 3rd pregnancy and the 2nd pregnancy was by far the worst. My toddler was not able to entertain himself so I was sick and tired with a kid that needed me all of the time. I felt terrible. You are 100% not alone. I had to let go of a lot of guilt with screen time or just laying down on the couch while my kid sort of played. I had to tell myself that in the grand scheme of things this was just a short period of time and I wasn’t going to ruin my kid if he watched more tv than usual. When you feel better you can more present. All of my pregnancies my nausea lasted until like 14 weeks and then all of the sudden I felt so much better… but it is hard for awhile and it’s okay to feel not okay.
@jacquelinedeane55 We are 99% done with kids after this, but if we have a third I think I’ll wait until the second is a bit more independent. I try hard to sing a long with ms Rachel and be involved that way, but I still get so dang guilty.

My first pregnancy I had covid the week before I found out I was pregnant and the entire time everything smelled like trash/vomit. I had aversions to almost everything, if I smelled ANYTHING I would start gagging. So far I haven’t experienced that, I’m hoping this is a more “regular” sickness and will actually go away!
@infomommax It should! My kids are 2 and 4 now and even though it’s hard it’s much better because they actually play without bugging me every 5 seconds 😅 for the first couple months of my 2nd pregnancy I laid on the couch and my son watching paw patrol for days… so hopefully that makes you feel less guilty ha. My 4 year old has no memories of those days. Wishing you better months to come! Zofran also didn’t work for me so I just sucked up but it really was the worst.
@infomommax 2 under 2 is quite challenging! It's challenging enough to take care of a toddler, but experiencing this during my pregnancy was one of the most difficult times of my life. So yes, you have the right to complain.
@infomommax You can complain. Currently 37 weeks and i have a 16 month old boy who is rambunctious and simply crazy 😂 i love him but he does get difficult, especially when he wants to be picked up or held (it hurts my back a lot). Never had vomiting for either pregnancies so I don’t know how you can deal with that. Wishing you the best and just know it is better to release your emotions than bottle them up. We all understand 🥰
@infomommax Yeah my house had never been so bad. I’m my nausea went away around my 3rd trimester. It started to feel like it would be that way forever. Hard time. We def watched more tv than normal. Still do because now my energy isn’t always up.
@angelw Same, my husband can’t keep up with us and 3 dogs and a cat. He mostly tries to make sure we have clean clothes and dishes lol. Might be time to do paper plates again!

I was pretty tired and sick with my first, but I had covid the first trimester and everything smelled totally off. So I’m hopeful this time might be slightly better… eventually
@infomommax I have been pregnant twice with a toddler both miscarriages after 1st trimester (Which for me is the toughest part of pregnancy). I would create floor nests in every room where I could lay comfortably and still entertain and play with my toddler.
@infomommax Ugh it's so rough! I'm not vomiting much but I'm so exhausted, I start seeing spots and feeling lightheaded if I do anything around the house. I've also upped the screen time with my toddler and feel bad I'm not playing with them as much. I keep telling myself it's just a few months of our lives and it's not going to do any long-term harm, right now it's just about doing whatever we can to survive!
@infomommax I think about this often. I’m almost done first trimester and have no other kids, I’ve had no morning sickness but lots of other symptoms, and I still have struggled to take care of just myself the last couple of months. I seriously commend you second time moms getting through first trimester!
@infomommax currently in complete survival mode at 33 weeks with a 5 year old, 3 year old, and a 12 month old 😭 every day is a battle. you’re completely within your right to complain.
@infomommax I have a 3 year old and 3 months after my second was born I found out I was pregnant again. So being pregnant with a toddler and a baby SUCKED ASS. being pregnant sucks in general, so with other kids is just 😳
@infomommax I have a 6 year old but he is mentally disabled so is basically like a one year old in a 6 year old body. I'm only 5 weeks right now and feeling pretty good so far but I am a bit worried how I'll manage with him if I start feeling terrible