Having a toddler while pregnant is so rough, can I just complain?

@infomommax We had twins when our other son was 16 months. It’s a special thing we do to ourselves bordering on self harm. Lol. I genuinely love them being so close in age, especially since the twins just turned two, bc they learn a lot from their brother and brother was super happy with himself bc he knew all the ms Rachel answers right away bc it was for 2 year olds. It’s horrible and wonderful at the same time but also stupid as all hell.
@infomommax I didn’t think I would survive being a SAHM pregnant with a toddler. Similar ages, they are 22 months apart. It gets better, but it sucks. I’ll never forget first trimester laying on the floor of the living room being SO sick. My toddler started feeding me crackers.

Don’t worry about screen time, or what they eat. You’re in survival mode and that’s fine! My toddler wasn’t scarred. We rode the same wave during the newborn phase and now that #2 is 8 months my toddler is back to full meals, conquering playgrounds, and minimal screens.
@infomommax Complain all you want. Its bloody hard. I'm exactly 31 weeks and with all the problems I've had with this pregnancy it's been extra rough having my 2 year old son on top of that.
He's actually driving me crazy. Roll on Thursday when he starts nursery because I'll get a nice break from him which I need.
@infomommax It was so rough when I was overdue and dealing with my sweet but very active 1.5 year old. I was exhausted. It’s so much easier after you have the baby, I think
@infomommax I’m 37 weeks with a hyperrrr 2.5 year old. At this point I’m nesting heavy (when I can move) and I feel bad bc I just end up putting the tv on and checking in every so often. Early days for me happened this summer which made me feel even worse because I couldn’t even take her to the park for long I’d be tired and nauseous. It’s hard!
@infomommax My wife is 6mo pregnant and we have a 20mo toddler. She is in every way a badass tough cookie but this pregnancy has been so much harder on her than the first one. On top of all that we have been prepping for an international move, selling our house that we are currently living in, selling vehicles, selling most of our belongings on Marketplace (never again), and have four pets. She’s on her own while I’m at work and has to manage the kid, cleaning house and jetting (with kid, often wrecking nap time) for showings that pop up, packing/selling/dealing with all our stuff, the list just goes on. Just being a SAHM with a toddler while pregnant is enough, but this is pure chaos when she just needs to be able to rest whenever possible.

The timing for all this at once has been the absolute worst. She is a freaking hero, and I have all the respect in the world for you moms out there. All this is to say, you’re not alone, and you’re appreciated.
@infomommax I'm 18 weeks pregnant and my 19 mo daughter is currently sitting on my head, refusing to nap. I'm very tired. First trimester nausea was also much worse this time around, if only because I couldn't lie down or take long baths like I did with my first pregnancy, because now I have a little plague vector running around who just learned to use doorknobs. Nowhere is safe lol
@infomommax I’m 14 weeks with a 22 month old and weeks 7-10 were soooo tough. I felt so guilty about how grateful I was to send my daughter to daycare, and my husband solo parented so much. I threw screen time limits out the window. Think about that you’re not the only one in survival mode, the whole family is. And those sound like great foods for a toddler so I’m sure he’s glad to have them!!
@infomommax Honestly you’re in the thick of it! I’m a SAHM and had a 16mos old when I was as early on as you with this baby now (33 weeks) and although I felt like shit most days for a few weeks, could barely eat, or was throwing up when I DID eat it felt “easier” for me this time around because he was a good distraction from how awful I was feeling and I wasn’t able to just sit around and wallow in my self misery all day 🤣 I also worked FT at a demanding/strenuous hospital based job when I was pregnant with my first and being nauseous/vomiting between patients was MUCH more rough than spending the days doing the same with my toddler NOT at work
@infomommax I’m currently 24 weeks+3days and I have a 2.5 year old. I remember crying ALOT during my first trimester because of how sick/exhausted I was. I felt horrible that I wasn’t giving him my full attention like I used to. Cooking made me sick due to the smell. I didn’t feel like playing with him. I felt like the worst mom in the world!
But eventually as my pregnancy has went on, days have gotten better and i started feeling somewhat better around the 14-15 week mark. I have felt like playing with him, cooking, going out and taking him places. Trust me, there are still days that I’m very tired/nauseous. But I have learned that you have to listen to your body. Rest when needed. It isn’t fair to yourself or to your little one for you to pour from an empty cup.