Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

@nazpastor That sounds like pseudo-science if I've ever heard it. And girl, maybe I'm gross but I don't get around to changing my bedding hardly ever and I have the same amount of laundry but my husband is actively doing laundry at almost all hours of the day, it just never ends.

I know that exhaustion, give yourself grace. You're doing what you need to do during this time. Daddy and baby will bond when it's time.
@nazpastor Please give yourself permission to say this out loud: “I am a great nurturing mother and the stress throughout my pregnancy is not the cause of my baby’s behavior”

This doctor is very ignorant when it comes to psychology. 1) babies are not in “survival mode”. Yes they are vulnerable and need cared of but survival mode is when your fear response kicks in because of a perceived threat. 2) If that were the case then like 99% of babies would be velcro babies. I’m not sure who has had a 100% stress free pregnancy… life happens and it doesn’t pause because of pregnancy

I was also stressed throughout pregnancy. I finished grad school, started the moving process to a state across the nation, dealt with my MIL and body dysmorphia, all of that on top of my anxiety and OCD.

My baby is not a velcro baby and is actually really social and ok with being apart from me. You are not the reason your baby is a velcro baby!

Unfortunately doctors can have the worst bedside manner and spew ridiculous statements because their ego’s get inflated. I’m sorry you went through that. Sending virtual hugs ❤️
@nazpastor You have a Velcro baby, that’s your job. Your entire job. 24/7.
The washing and running the household? That’s Hubby’s job. His job is to keep you alive while you keep the baby alive.

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