I think I’m pregnant while on the pill?


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Need to vent. I think I’m pregnant on the pill?

Hi! I’ve been obsessing over this sub-reddit trying to figure out if I’m pregnant lol

For some context, I’m a 27 y/o female and I’ve been on the pill for like…8 years? More or less. But sometimes I don’t take it in the MOST accurate way and that’s what’s got me wondering…

Approximately 2 weeks ago I started feeling nauseous, that day I couldn’t even drink my coffee (which I love). I also had very out of nowhere diarrhea for around 3 days, and since then, I’ve been having bouts of nausea and gagging randomly every day or every 2 days, having very vivid dreams, taking naps right after I finish work (which I usually never do, although I’m a naturally sleepy person but the naps have never been my thing), I’ve been sneezing constantly and have a constipated nose. I’ve also been noticing more discharge. I haven’t had cramps or at least not strong ones, but the random nausea is what makes me wonder….just know I was cooking lunch and suddenly started gagging. Also, not much boob soreness but I’ve had like a sharp electric pain on the side of my boobs randomly during these past 2 weeks. It comes and goes immediately, doesn’t stay for long.

I took a digital pregnancy test today but it was negative, I’m expecting my period in around 4/5 days (I still get a period even though I’m on the pill and always have unprotected sex with my husband).

I know I just have to wait until Sunday/Monday to see if my period comes and that maybe I tested too early. But I just CANNOT stop thinking that I’m pregnant? What are your thoughts? Being on the pill is what makes me have doubts…

PD: English is not my first language so I’m sorry if this is not grammarly accurate.

I’d like to read some people going through the same….thanks!!
@kck Okay I did get pregnant while on the pill and Plan B (which I only took because my friend told me too).

But nausea doesn't usually start right away. It usually hits about 6 weeks. I threw up after I found out, but I promise it was because anxiety, not pregnancy yet.

I wasn't planning on taking a test but 8 days after the conception date I got extreme fatigue. Because I've had issues with iron and vitamin deficines, I planned on seeing a doctor for the fatigue. Before I made an appointment, my friend advised me to take a test, because most likely the doctors would want to test me for that first. Now when I say fatigue--I have a coffee every morning and a Diet Coke every day at lunch. I was passing out at 3pm. I was also so much moodier! Everyone was pissing me off.

Diarrhea is also not a pregnancy symptom and uncommon--constipation is the big one!

Every pregnancy is different but I do not think those symptoms you described would've been from pregnancy, or at least the nausea would not be... you would've tested positive with that.
@preachgrl61 Hi! Thank you for commenting your experience. Everyone here seems to agree that what I’ve described isn’t pregnancy so I’ve decided to trust the negative test I already got 🤔
@kck If you have enough HCG to create symptoms, you generally have enough HCG to get a positive test. Based on what you said about your cycle, 2 weeks ago would probably have been before you even ovulated this cycle. I seriously doubt you’re pregnant based on the info you provided. If you’ve had “pregnancy symptoms” starting 2 weeks ago, it’s almost definite you would have a positive test at this point. That would mean you are 6+ weeks pregnant and testing negative, which is pretty much impossible.
@noturavgguy Yeah! I took the test 4-5 days before my expected withdrawal bleeding so that’s why I’m still a bit hesitant. But you make some good logic points haha. I’ve just read so many different testimonies from so many people that I still don’t know what to make of it.
@kck a withdrawal bleed is not a real period, so you cannot base tests off of that. a test is accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after sex. as said above, if your symptoms were related to pregnancy, you definitely would be testing positive, especially if the symptoms have been happening for 2 weeks. hcg is what causes pregnancy symptoms, and at the point of symptoms you’d have more than enough hcg to turn a test positive
@mavarick1 Thank you! All of this makes much more sense now so Ive decided to trust the negative I already got and see what happens in the next few days…
@kck Any update with the blood work? I’ve got two birth control nieces😅 and a plan b baby myself.

Also, no big deal but it’s congested when it comes to your nose :)
@tgn123 Hi! In the end all of the comments here were very soothing and make sense, so I decided to not do the blood work yet and simply wait for my withdrawal bleeding. Although you make a compelling point with your 2 birth control nieces 😂
@kck I’m literally the same way rn. I’m 24, been on the pill since ~15 years old. I skip pills a lot (horrendous at taking them, but I have an apt set up for an implant because of that) and have unprotected sex (raw sex for a while then put on condom and finish in condom in me) but a week before I was late for my period I woke up and immediately was like “holy shit I think I’m pregnant.” Low and behold I’m like 6 days late on my period/withdraw bleed and have the same random streaks of pain in my breast, cramps (no blood), lower back/hip pain and some nausea. But I’m still testing negative on test. Probably just a random late period but I’ve NEVER had symptoms for PMS before since being on the pill.

Edit to add: ALSO very fatigue rn. I never take naps and I’ve taken some the last week with 0 energy. Like when I have to do something it almost makes me want to cry how much low energy I have lol
@maryog Exactly!!!! I’ve neeeeever had PMS before, not even before I was on the pill and certainly not while on the pill. At least your blood test is negative so it makes sense that is a weird late period. I’ve decide I’m getting a beta hCG test tomorrow to make sure because I’m going on vacation and I just NEED to know before I leave. I would be okay if it turns out to be positive but it’s crazy that it happened tbh. Thank you for messaging!!!!
@kck Oh I haven’t had a blood test yet! I’m waiting until this weekend to see if it’s just a crazy late period and THEN I’m taking a blood test if it still isn’t here. Only negatives on at home pee test.
@maryog Oh okay, I misunderstood. I will update tomorrow with my beta test results, they told me I’ll know within 15 minutes so that’s great. I’ll be waiting for an update from you too lol! I’m too anxious to wait until the weekend when I’m supposed to get my withdrawal bleeding.
@kck I’m just trying to be calm like, ok YES I skipped like almost a month of pills and then had unprotected sex, BUT he didn’t cum in me, but intuition you know? LOL I expect a negative blood test OR a withdrawal bleed by the weekend but I will update you!!

I hope you get the results you want!
@maryog HAHAHAHAHHAAH you made me laugh a lot, a month of pills lol. I’ve had scares before while on the pill but nothing compared to this, I literally cannot get the thought out of my head. And then I start thinking I’m feeling this way because of the thoughts in my head and start a crazy cycle! But oh well…we’ll see tomorrow