I just got an IUD and y’all scared me for no reason

@southcountry Absolutely agree!! Insertion (which I also very nearly cancelled because of all the horror stories) was not bad at all, cramps and 20 seconds of pain but worth it one hundred times over. Four years on and my Mirena has changed my life, had so many horrendous birth control experiences before this. Thinking of changing to the copper IUD when it's time but might stick with Mirena, unsure as of yet.

Completely understand that birth control is so different for each person and I feel so lucky, but I think sharing positive stories about IUD's when you have them is so important as I was so nearly put off by the amount of negative ones I read.
@southcountry I took an Advil and went about my day after I got my Mirena put in. Everyone's experience is so different!

Getting it out was not a big deal either, but I felt it was worse than getting it inserted. YMMV
@southcountry 800mg of ibuprofen is a prescription dose. It's not really that high. I took the 800mg before my insertion.

Mine was also really easy and didn't hurt much. Just some pinching and cramping, but it was mild compared to others' experiences.
@southcountry I had the copper iud, which is larger and different material. It was the worse experience ever having it inserted, i was super positive going into it, i wish i would have looked for more advice and gotten a strong ass pain pill before insertion. But now i love love my iud! Just had my check up yesterday. Gyno told me copper iud def hurts worse and it depends on the person. I try to give tips now to people before insertion to help them have a less painful experience!
@southcountry I’m so happy it went well for you!! I definitely had a completely opposite experience but it makes me happy to hear others having an easy time getting it so if I ever need to get a new one it helps me want to go through it again. As of right now I’m only 5 months in and it’s the biggest hell no, absolutely not but these stories help build a little confidence if I decide to do it again
@southcountry I have pretty harsh periods and so when I went in to get it inserted I was pretty confident I could handle it just fine but the sound (the metal tube that measures your uterus) hurt so badly, I mean white knuckle gripping that table, thighs shaking. I was so mad at myself, I have a decent pain tolerance, most things do not bother me or hurt me but this was something else. And they had a hard time measuring my uterus so they had to redo that part a few times. But once it was in I had about 30-40 minutes of just bliss, I was so happy it was over, so proud of myself (mostly I felt annoyed at myself for being in pain, as if I could control that) and then the cramps hit and that was just something else. Like I said, I’d always had brutal periods so I felt confident I was fully prepared. I also got the copper IUD because I was so sick and tired of hormones and their side effects and my catch phrase was “I already have horrific cramps on my period, how much worse can they get?” And yeah, ginormous mistake. Turns out they could get worse. The day after my body went into labor but the doctor said I could keep it in because it wasn’t being shoved out of place so I just dealt with it. Definitely nervous about labor now, cannot lie. But now, I am so thrilled I have it. Don’t get me wrong, despite the process of getting it inserted and just how horrific that was I am definitely so much more happier to have an IUD than be on the pill. I don’t regret my choice at all. My periods suck but they sucked before, so now they just suck a little more, not the end of the world. But I don’t regret my choice at all, just the insertion process between getting it in and my body deciding going into labor would be a good idea, it was a lot.
@southcountry I know it’s not the same for everyone, but I also had an extremely pleasant experience with mine (Skyla) as well! Maybe 10 seconds of pressure and 5 seconds of bad cramping and then it was over and I felt no discomfort since! I wasn’t even relaxed, I was soooo anxious and tense (because I also heard just horror stories) and was squeezing the table the whole time. Even tense it wasn’t bad!
@southcountry I got Kyleena inserted while I was on my period. At most, it was uncomfortable for about 30 seconds. The following days weren’t bad either- I hardly cramped. I did experience some painful cramps my first period with the IUD in. But overall, my insertion was a breeze.

Edit: I took a low dose of ibuprofen before my appointment.
@southcountry My doctor prescribed 5 mg of Vicodin for the procedure and advised to take it with 800 mg of ibuprofen. I haven't had a period since I was 15 (currently 21) and was pretty anxious form all the shit on the sub. My IUD insertion was a breeze though. I have the smallest IUD available to me (skyla) so I'm sure that helped keep things easy but I wish I had seen more positive IUD experiences beforehand so I wouldn't be as stressed.
@southcountry Yeah, but for some the true horror stories come about 6 months after they get the IUD. I do not miss the cystic acne that little devil gave me that's for damn sure. I hope everything works out in the long run. It gave me PCOS for life :(
@southcountry I’m glad you put this story out there! I had a similarly not-so-bad experience two years or so ago with Mirena. Yes it hurts when it hits your cervix (IMO, probably the worst cramp I’ve had/a very particular cramping I’d never experienced). But it lasts all of ~5 seconds and then what ever later cramping is minimal compared to that initial pain.

I got a little nauseous after my insertion (not too surprising for me, I’ve gotten nauseous/light-headed over really bad cramping and giving blood before). So I just needed to lay there for a bit with a wet paper towel on my forehead.

I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone, but just to highlight how relatively easy this procedure/recovery was for me - I called up my clinic less than an hour after my appointment just to make sure I could have sex THAT day (I guess maybe this is more just my own eagerness). Of course, if you find yourself in the same position make sure to call up your dr just to be sure - because I’ve seen conflicting info on time you need to wait in order for IUD to be effective.

Also I just need to reiterate just how quick insertion is. Literally took at most like 5 min (honestly probably less). Similar to a shot in how quick it was over with. Definitely worth the short burst of bearable pain when you account for the YEARS of worry-free birth control. It was honestly a no-brainer when I became sexually active and decided I needed a more serious method than condoms.
@southcountry You are often hearing the worse of the worse here (because people are more likely to leave a bad review then a good one). I got a Kyleena IUD 6 months ago and fricking love it.
@mbcf That’s true! That’s why I wanted to leave a positive review! I know some people are going to have a bad experience but I think it’s good to hear about the good to.
@southcountry I have a question for ladies that have previously had an IUD, and got yours replaced. (Old one removed and new one inserted immediately after in one appointment). Is the pain less severe the second time around? (Particularly the after cramping and bleeding?) or is it about the same as the first time you got it placed. I’m just curious because I’ve had a mirena for five years, and it’s time to get a new one. Overall love my iud but I would like to know what I should prepare for this time around. Thanks!!

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