I just got an IUD and y’all scared me for no reason

@southcountry I got my Mirena inserted early November. I was on my period (cervix naturally dilated) and popped a few ibuprofen about an hour beforehand. It hurt, but it was very brief. My periods now literally are one wipe of red blood on one day. The only side effect I have, and it's minor, is I get one cystic acne pimple on my PMS week. I can deal with that in exchange for no babies for 5 years and one wipe periods.
@southcountry Im glad it was positive for you. But saying ‘it’s not painful’ is not fair towards people that did have a terrible experience. It wasn’t painful for you; great. I’m glad you had such a good experience, but for me 800mg of ibuprofen still hurt so bad that I couldn’t go through with it while I was already there.
@notchristianatall1 Was your first soon after giving birth? I got mine six weeks after having my baby and I didn’t feel a thing. I thought maybe it was because my cervix was already kind of soft and easy to open/dilate from just having given birth. I’m expecting my next one to be much more painful.
@southcountry I was so scared getting mine because of all the stories on here anddddd I think there’s something wrong with my cervix because I never felt anything ON my cervix? Like I had period cramps during insertion but if it weren’t for that I never would have felt them doing anything at all down there. Like I have no feeling in my cervix lmao
@southcountry I had the same experience! But the weeks after...I was at the most important day at work, and I was doubled over in pain and had to be sent to the nurse. A a couple months post-insertion, I don't really get the pain too too much but it's been a permanent annoying light period. Best of luck!
@southcountry I remember being scared by horror stories also but it's just different for everyone. Getting the paraguard definitely hurt but not nearly as terrible as I was expecting, it was mainly uncomfortable. And my doctor gave me a drug the night before to help my cervix dilate before the appointment and that helped a lot.
@southcountry Glad you had a good experience!

I had Paragard inserted back in March and I believe that’s bigger than the hormonal IUDs (please correct me if I’m wrong anyone). I honestly expected not to have much pain, if any, at all when I went in for my appointment, BUT BOY WAS I WRONG. Took pain killers half an hour before and it didn’t do anything to help.

I almost passed out from the pain and was probably some of the worst I’ve ever experienced. I read many stories, including horror ones, but I remained very optimistic since I usually have a very high pain tolerance. Cervix pain is a completely different pain than anything I’ve experienced in my entire life and I don’t think I could’ve been prepared for it.

I’m happy though with my choice, but I’m never doing this again if the IUD expels or after having children.
@southcountry I’m so happy it went well for you! I got my kyleena in January and I was pretty scared because I didn’t know what to expect (I’ve never had a Pap smear done because my doctor starts them at age 21 and I’m only 20). I tend to have a pretty high pain tolerance, I took 800mg ibuprofen about an hour or so before the appointment and it did hurt a good bit during and right after the insertion, and I almost did pass out, but luckily my mom was driving me and she got me wendy’s on the way home:) IMO, the pain was worth it for 5 years of protection!
@southcountry I’m so glad u had a good experience Cus I think iud’s can be fantastic when they work. I had such a complete opposite experience where the doctors did not tell me anything bad about the iud because I think they were trying to promote it so I came out trying to go straight back to work. Ended up not moving for like 6-7 days and since I wasn’t told that the pain was even a possibility I had many more appointments and ultrasounds Cus I thought something was wrong. It really sucked at the time and was the worst pain of my life but I’d still recommend it to mates. It’s just a question of are u ready to risk a lot of pain for max a week for three years of no condom/hormone/pill hassles
@southcountry The max pain was like one long period cramp for me, and I did it twice cuz my first one came out 6 months in. and btw! Getting it taken out hurts LESS!

It was the first 4 months of it being in that hurt more, I was keeled over in class trying not to make a scene! wwwwww

and btw, I've got ParaGuard, so we got different brands, so it may not even hurt afterwards, idk.

It's been 10 days, how is it?
@andy1982 It’s good! I went hiking two days after, and then hiking 3 days after that! There’s been light cramping, at first I thought I could feel it but I think I was being overly sensitive because I’ve never had an IUD. I’m only concerned about someone feeling the strings during sex!
@southcountry When I got my iud inserted I read up on what to do to be prepared and everything. I knew exactly how the procedure would go and I wasn’t so much worried about the pain but more about my anxiety since it makes me pass out if I have too much anxiety. So my sister had just gotten hers done and I could hear her from outside my room saying she had cramps and my anxiety just rose so much I don’t even know why. My doctor asks if I want to still do it since we have really small uterus’s but I said yes since I was already there. My doctor gave me Benadryl so I would get sleepy and hopefully be more relaxed during the procedure and then he went on and did it. I was shaking the whole time from my anxiety and it didn’t hurt until the very end where I started hyperventilating and crying. Once it was over they left me alone after giving me some ibuprofen and I stayed there for like 15 minutes before feeling even close to normal again. Oh yeah I also almost passed out right before the procedure so I had to lay down. And yes I did take ibuprofen before the procedure as well and I had gotten the Mirena iud.
@southcountry Who the hell messages someone else trying to talk them out of birth control because of pain?! It's entirely subjective. I was terrified for mine to and found it to be no big deal, I love my IUD. You really don't know unless you try it for yourself.
@southcountry You're lucky, I took 1000mg paracetamol before, had numbing cream put into my cervix and it was the most HORRIBLE EXCRUTIATING pain I ever felt, I can only compare it to the time I broke my wrist and the doctor put it back in place without any numbing . The doctor used a clamp to open up my cervix and that's what sent me off into screaming fits. I was NOT expecting it. I was expecting something like a pinch from the device. Nope didn't even reach that part. I didn't even feel the measuring stick to be fair from all the pain from the clamp.

Source : had the appointment 3 hours ago and only now did I stop crying

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