I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

@marycris This made me feel so validated šŸ„° Iā€™m a first time mom with a 15 m/o and I donā€™t know any other local mamas IRL who parent like we have chosen to ā€¦ it gets so lonely sometimes & even leads to self-doubt here and there, but definitely also a lot of shock and frustration. Thank you for this rant lol and also insight into AP with bigs!! ā¤ļø
@hannrr Back when my kids were little there wasnā€™t Facebook, so I found a group on yahoo lol
A local AP group. I attended some of their events and found a few mamas that I clicked with in the larger group. Then we sometimes broke off from the big group and had our own playgroups or hangouts. Try a local AP moms group. If you can or want to šŸ˜Š you wonā€™t want to hang out with everyone, but after a few times Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find someone you donā€™t mind spending time with. Hugs to you too Mama ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøRight now my 19 year old is asleep in my bed with me while I nurse the baby. Sheā€™s loves taking care of baby. Itā€™s wonderful to see their bond and love grow !!!
@marycris Iā€™m crying. I havenā€™t ever wanted to do cry I out. But being in the thick of it can make it seems so hard and like thereā€™s no point to everything youā€™re doing. But if it means one day my baby boy thatā€™s grown into an adult might want to snuggle with his mom on vacation, Iā€™d be so happy. We were up at 5 am and took 2 hours to go back to sleep, so weā€™ve had a rough morning.
@katrina2017 Ahhh šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•So sweet. Actually my middle daughter (19) is in bed with me and slept with me and baby girl last nightšŸ„°šŸ˜You got this Mama !!!! Itā€™ll be over before you know it ā™„ļø
@marycris I tried gently teaching him to sleep independently. I started with checking his sleep cues feeding him to calm him down and rocking then into crib beside me with white noise. If he cried iā€™d pick him up if putting my hand on him didnā€™t work and rock him again. He is 5 months now and I just feed him, and sit and talk to to him beside the crib while he babbles himself to sleep. If he cries, i pick him up and if it is a bad cry i comfort nurse. Iā€™m a FTM so I donā€™t know if what Iā€™m doing to right or wrong. But i could not do CIO. I think some people may be desperate though? I got mat leave for a year, some donā€™t have that luxury
@marycris I didn't even realize we've been doing attachment parenting. I didn't know it was a thing! It's just been so natural to hold her and comfort her as much as she wanted.
I was told, before I had her, imagine your 70 and had the chance to go back in time to hold your baby just one more time.
And that's always stuck.
@marycris Loved reading this. I also have to mute my mom's group regularly. One mom just had a newborn, refused to even give him colostrum and is immediately trying to dry up. Her babies sleep in separate rooms from the start. It's terrible.
@marycris I have a one and three year old and weā€™ve always contact napped and cosleep still. Wouldnā€™t want it any other way and so nice to hear your big kids still love snuggles! I hope for the same when mine are older. ā™„ļø
@marycris Those kinds of posts make me sooo sad!! I had to leave several mom groups on FB bc all I kept seeing was sleep training and CIO. They grow so so sooo fast I donā€™t understand how some moms donā€™t love the attachment and snuggles. šŸ„¹
@marycris My MIL constantly tells me Iā€™m spoiling my LO and I should leave her in a room on her own to cry for 10-15 mins. She also tells me my 7 week old has me wrapped around her little finger. I just ignore her because thereā€™s no telling her any different but itā€™s made me realise I cannot rely on her for childcare anytime soon!
@jessi4jc Ugh !!! Thatā€™s the worst !!! What is wrong with being wrapped around a 7 week old baby finger anyways. So annoying. She has the worst information. Imagine kettting a tiny baby cry alone. I canā€™t even. I canā€™t understand why people want to have babies if they just think attending to their needs is inconvenient or ā€œmanipulation.ā€ Their mindset is incomprehensible. Sorry about your MIL. You definitely canā€™t leave baby with her. So sad.