I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

@shanrobert Beautiful!!!!! The fruits of your “labor.” It blows my mind how people use the term “Velcro baby” to talk about how their baby never “leaves them alone” or whatever. Baby wearing is the perfect soultion and your story is much like other AP parents who have “Velcro baby” and are amazing well adjusted, secure attachment baby/child. Congrats mama ♥️
@marycris I have to say, before I had a baby I was „neutral“ about sleep training (as in „it would definitely not be something I would do, but every family is different“-neutral). But after I had my daughter hearing her cry makes me tense up and I feel like someone hit me in the stomach. The only thing I wanna do in that moment is comfort her. So, when I hear people talk about CIO it makes me physically sick to think about the poor kids who just want their parents and have no other way to communicate…
@shanrobert This is me and my son! Everyone was shocked at how calm he was as a baby. He’d sleep on anyone! And I genuinely contribute that to all of his cries being answered, needs immediately met, and comforting him to sleep. He’s 100% a Velcro baby and I’ll be the other half of his Velcro as long as he lets me! ♥️
@marycris Cuddles on vacation made me tear up a little bit. These humans are so beautiful, sometimes I forget they'll be big humans one day. It's comforting to know old habits die hard. I personally have a not so great relationship with my mom and my husbands family is lovely and supportive but not very warm or touchy feely. Thanks for your perspective about the future it gives me great joy.
@marycris Wow! How was it with the first 3 so close in age? I’m pregnant with baby #3 and a little terrified if I’m being honest. I’m glad to know it can be done without compromising your parenting style!
@marycris A mum group I’m in described cuddling her toddler to sleep as a ‘waste of time’ and it made me so sad! I have never met another mum irl who parented in a similar way to me. Which is fine. But it makes me sad for the kids. I think a lot of parents are all for cuddling newborns but when they get to be toddlers or older kids thats the cut off for affection at night. Its so crazy to me!
@jasa Me too. There's another one that gets me too. Its hard to hear people say "I don't have time" to do something that meets the need of a child who is literally incapable of doing it on their own. I wonder why these people became parents when they think raising them is such a waste of time, or they can't afford to make the time to do it.
@marycris I just joined this sub and honestly had no idea that AP was a ‘type’ of parenting. IMHO it’s just parenting. Everyone does it different and that’s ok. A little more snuggles here or less discipline there. It’s amazing to see all the labels though.

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