@underscorezero I’m sorry, I get how you’re feeling. We conceived first try and then lost it not long after, it being my first pregnancy I was just so excited so I told everyone early, really wish I didn’t. It’s now cycle #10 ttc since, and we’ve had nothing. My mom kept asking me every month if I was pregnant yet, and was extremely insensitive in the way that she announced my sister’s pregnancy to me, straight after our loss.
I vented to her once about how I’m scared it’ll never happen, she subsequently told me it can take years, and not to be impatient. While that’s true, this is coming from someone who had four kids, all accidents except one, she has no idea what it’s like to yearn for something that month after month doesn’t happen. I ended up telling her we’re not trying anymore, just to get her off my back. It sucks there’s so few people who understand, I’m told repeatedly that my timeline is “normal” but yet no woman in my life took this long to have a baby, so there’s no one to relate to.
I don’t have much advice, I’m sorry, I just want you to know you’re not alone in this.