i don’t wanna pump anymore

@brandon_d I only pumped/pump once a day. Because it is too much. I usually pump right after the morning feed because my LO seems most content/less needy then. My supply is still good (so far). I drink lots of water and try to watch what I eat (no junk food).
@brandon_d i exclusively pumped for my first because he was a chunk (10 pounds 9 ounces at birth) and had to eat formula in the hospital while we waited for my milk, unfortunately he never latched. i ONLY pumped for him. i had my second last december, she wasn’t as chunky (8 lbs 12 oz) and she latched as soon as she came out. i planned on pumping, but i didn’t have the help i needed in order to pump, nurse, take care of a toddler and a newborn, clean the house, etc. i gave up on trying to pump and now we have been on our EBF journey (aside from solids now) for 11 months!

strictly breastfeeding won’t tank your supply. it’ll accommodate to what your baby needs. i wish you luck 🫶🏼

edit: typos
@brandon_d You are such an amazing mama💛💛💛 looks like you’ve gotten lots of feedback about supply/logistics so my thoughts are more heart-based. it is so important to create a rhythm that is sustainable for your mental, physical and emotional health as you care for baby. Breastfeeding has all kinds of benefits but feeling grounded and like your feeding rhythm is sustainable for your mental/physical/emotional health is more important - I wish I’d been told that from day 1 postpartum. I’m 8 months postpartum and the biggest insight I’ve had since giving birth is that taking care of myself always positively impacts my baby. Also never hesitate to ask for support or call the free postpartum support phone number your provider gives you. There are so many ups and downs in the first 6 months. Your baby is so lucky to have a mama so committed like you are💛 Wishing I could bring you a home cooked meal - sending you lots of love and good thoughts🙏
@brandon_d Pumping 1-2 oz per breast after a feed is amazing! But pumping is exhausting. My son and I are going on 14 months of 95% from the tap! He only really got a bottle if I was gone and I'd pump just to replace what I used and to keep my supply when I was gone. I loved it. Props to pumping moms because I could not handle the dishes
@brandon_d 6 months on only breast milk for my baby. I didn’t pump when she was little and I only do now when I’m back at work. If your baby is gaining weight at a normal rate and making enough wet diapers there’s no need to try to increase your supply, baby is already doing good!
@brandon_d I just wrapped up exclusively breastfeeding my son for 18 months- I never pumped because I learned that the best way to stabilize your supply is to just have baby nurse as much as they want to- don’t feel like you have to pump in anyway
@brandon_d I almost never pump - And I didn't even get a pump until my baby was like 10 weeks

Feel like as long as you have enough for emergency, in case you can't be with your baby then you're good

My baby is 16 weeks and I think I only have 12 oz in the freezer
@brandon_d I fed my baby directly from birth. Pumping was too much work. So I stopped and I don’t regret. I do have a small stash in the freezer just incase. But I’ve never needed it. Baby is almost a year old EBF. Do what is best for you.
@brandon_d You’re pumping 2-4 times IN ADDITION to feeding baby at the breast? That is definitely not necessary. You’d be better off using your time to focus on properly nourishing and hydrating your body than pumping, since proper nourishment is so hard sometimes as a new mom. You absolutely don’t have to pump to have a successful breastfeeding journey.
@brandon_d I directly breastfeed, no pumping unless my baby randomly sleeps through the night and I wake up engorged. It’s supply and demand, so I make exactly what he needs. I hate pumping and could never make it comfortable enough.

It does suck to be pinned down for long periods of time but at least with breastfeeding I have 1 hand free and can even use both hands for a game controller if he’s on my forearms right lol. Definitely can’t do that with bottle feeding! I can do my grocery pickup order, plan, email, whatever from my phone, read, etc.
@brandon_d You don't NEED to pump. You can just breastfeed if you want. Don't skip the cluster feeds, just feed on demand and if in doubt, whip the boob out. you literally cannot overfeed a breastfed baby and you CAN sustain them xxx
@brandon_d Man, fuck pumping. I had all these lofty dreams about being a milk donor before delivering my baby and now that he’s 3 months old I’ve pumped a total of less than 10 oz because it’s boring and horrible.

It hasn’t impacted my milk supply, baby boy was born in the 40th percentile, lost 10% of his body weight at birth, and is now in the 95th percentile for weight.
@brandon_d he was 40th at his 2 week appointment and 95th by 2 months. if he hadn't gotten back to birth weight at 2 weeks i would have continued pumping for his sake but since he did i threw that out the window lol

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