I don't even have sex anymore

@avonmora Hi OP! Check out aid access if you’re worried. New York Times just did an article about getting abortion meds sent online which featured Aid Access as the most reputable source. I bought some pills myself ($105 and they also offer financial assistance) which have almost arrived. I was worried about TX confiscating them in the mail but there’s no real way to know without opening it up (which is illegal). Turns out I don’t need the pills but I was really worried in my last cycle that my copper IUD might have moved out of place. I too thought traveling was going to be the only option. Mifepristone and misoprostol have a shelf life of 2 years (1 of them has 5 but the other only has 2) so I’ll keep them just in case. Also, its a good idea doubling up on other BC methods like a condom or pulling out, like someone else suggested.. I hope this helps ease your mind. We are definitely in some tough, archaic times but there are still options! Lastly, have sex when you feel ready and comfortable :) you don’t need to push yourself to feel “normal” or to make someone else happy. Anxiety can be crippling and throwing sex into the mix can end up traumatizing (personal experience over here). Sending hugs and hope you feel better 😌

NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive...ytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
@avonmora This. This is what Republicans want. Everything they have done or want to do is for this. Banning abortion, limiting or banning birth control, not allowing teens to have access to condoms or proper sex ed classes, it’s not because they believe abortion is murder. It’s because they want people to become abstinent outside of wedlock. If people stop having sex because of this, then “good riddance because it’s what the Bible says anyway”.
@sgmusic1987 Yeah that’s exactly what they want and what’s sucks is that not every married person wants to have kids so ultimately they just want to force more babies out of people
@avonmora I live in Texas. I’ve been on mirena and nexplanon and both have worked great for me. Me and my bf don’t use condoms either. Maybe it’s risky but I trust my birth control very much. My next step would be getting my tubes tied or my BF agreed to get a vasectomy when we decide to get married. There’s a lot of info posted here to find doctors who do these procedures, on women, in TX.
@avonmora I feel the same way and I’m thankfully in a state where abortion is still accessible. But it still isn’t enough to make me feel safe enough. I just don’t ever want to be pregnant or in a position where that could happen.

I have absolutely no desire to have sex or do anything even remotely sexual anymore, it’s just not enjoyable for me when it causes this much anxiety. Sex just isn’t worth it.
@avonmora This is so much bigger than laws. Many people in the US have minimal education, especially when it comes to sex. It’s ingrained in the culture, not only because of weird societal ‘purity’ things, but because the rich want more poor people to exploit. Even in a state where it’s legal to get an abortion the second latest, I’m terrified of getting pregnant with birth control. Something fundamentally needs to change in this country. I’m so sorry that this is happening to you, please know you’re not alone, and if anything does happen, there are resources for you. There are communities of people globally who can help
@avonmora I hear you. I had to stop the hell BC (Depo) because my provider said I wasn’t supposed to be on it for as long as I was. (5 years). I’m so scared to get back on birth control and I fear if I do that whoever I choose as a next SO might not understand the weight of the consequences for me. I have been fully avoiding all male interaction since the bill was passed. Fleeing out of state soon.
@avonmora I feel you 100%! Even using birth control AND condoms I would get paranoid about getting pregnant and my ex would get upset at me being so anxious. He would say that I was more paranoid then feeling pleasure and he was right to an extent but didn’t offer any solutions to make me feel better. He just didn’t understand.

Also I get that you can be extra careful and access it through different delivery means and travel but that’s still such a hassle it makes it not even worth it. I also live in Texas I wanna leave so badly.
@avonmora I live in AR and I feel you, I really do. I got sterilized soon after it was overturned. I’m married and I do not want anymore children. I wouldn’t make it through another pregnancy alive, and even though it’s physically impossible for me to get pregnant now I’m petrified every time my period is a day away and I’m just waiting.