I did it. I left him. I am not okay

@panictopeace This is the best thing you could have done for your daughter AND for yourself. I know it seems scary right now, but you’ll get through it and be better on the other side.

I’ve been through it myself, and I won’t lie and say it’ll be easy, but it will absolutely be worth it to be free from the constant abuse and be able to raise your daughter in a safe environment.
@brokenbonds The shelter I'm staying at will help me with that.
I think i need to pass quarantine first? But they have lots of resources here to help me.
They said already that they will walk me through what to expect and that they will serve him.
@panictopeace From someone who left an abusive man: I know how hard it is. I know how exhausting it is. We see the effort it took to get out and we are so damn proud of you.

Limit contact to court-mediated stuff, nothing personal. Focus on your healing and put yourself first.

You’ve done what’s best for you and your daughter. I am so glad you’re safe. I’m rooting for you!
@panictopeace You've got this. You are not overreacting. Try to remember or even write down the facts of what he's done to you, and how he made you feel. It will get harder, but not much, and then it will get better.
@panictopeace I’m so proud of you that I literally started crying. I don’t know you, but I am so so proud of you.

You’ve done the right thing and the best thing. And bandaids always hurt when you rip them off. Just keep going. Try to eat something again later and keep hydrated and watch something nice with your daughter.

Sending love and strength x
@panictopeace You got this. If there is only one thing you can remember during your stress: this too shall pass. Nothing lasts forever. This too shall pass. Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year will be different. This too shall pass.
@panictopeace I'm so proud of you for leaving.

It's going to take time, please please please hang in there. It took me a week or so for the constant panic to subside.

My God, the freedom. You're going to feel SO FREE. So much LIGHTER. It's so much easier when you don't have to worry about your abuser.

You'll never regret it and I'm just so proud of you.