I can’t fit any of my clothes at 8 (almost 9) weeks pregnant!!!!

Hi so for background this is technically my 2nd pregnancy! My other one resulted in miscarriage (blighted ovum) at around 8-9 weeks. This time around I feel actually HUGE!!!!! I am eating a little more than usual but I wouldn’t say binge eating. I eat pretty decently too health wise not a crazy amount of junk. I really don’t feel like I’m overeating too much but I definitely haven’t been as active as I should be. I plan on starting my hour a day walks again I’ve just been beyond exhausted recently and out then on pause!!

Am I the only one? Is this normal or should I cut back on eating?
@saved_by_grace2013 I am in the exact same position 7 weeks and I have put 7 pound on, when I have little more not a lot more. Also, had misscarriage around that mark. So, yes I’ve been worried thinking twins or something. I have never gained 7 pound so quick for approx 3 years x
@rivkah613 Yep I’m now almost 11 weeks and have given up on dressing cute at all! All my husband’s sweatpants and tee shirts now lol. Hopefully when it gets warmer I’ll get some sundresses! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy !!!

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