She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

@psyman I was mostly just surprised with the clothes but am now freaked out that she’s outgrowing her bassinet. She’s only 9 weeks but was teeny tiny when she was born at 41 weeks. She didn’t fit into her newborn size clothes! Now I seems like she skipped right over size 1 diapers and has 0-3 month clothes that are too small. I’m definitely not ready to move her out of our room so I guess we’re going to use the travel crib if it fits 🥲
@outofplace_christian Oh my goodness how could I forget this! Ours stretches out fully and her tippy toes and fingers touch the ends of the bassinet as of this past week, so we said she only has until the end of the month in there and then we’ll move her into a crib (still in our room) until she’s a bit older 🥹 the first day she sleeps in her own room I just know I’m gonna be a mess. I’ll probably sleep on the floor in there for a few nights. 😭😩
@psyman We had to transition to 3-6 mo clothes at 5 weeks because my girl is really long. Now that we’re at 8 weeks, I can tell 3-6 mo clothes are starting to get a little short on her, but still fit around her tummy. We won’t be in those for very much longer too. 🥲

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