Have any of you gotten fit *during* your pregnancy?

@leleh Oh my. That is not what I meant by the word toned. In my experience what you’re describing is called “cutting” while simply building strength and muscle is “toning.” I’m not trying to avoid weight gain, I’m just looking to be healthier for myself and my future child.

I think yall seriously misunderstood my post. Edited for clarification.
@vanillasunflowers Rip. Sorry people misunderstood your intent. I worked out during my whole pregnancy with the last trimester mainly focusing on pelvic floor flexibility and strengthening. I did not maintain the fit I had gained before pregnancy so I can't speak to advice that worked for me, but if I could do it over again I'd make sure there's more consistency and I pushed myself a bit harder from the start (within safe reason). I think I let the pregnancy exhaustion be an excuse to do too many light days when realistically I could have worked out a bit more purposefully. I'd also make sure that the days I really am too exhausted to work out, I make sure to go for a walk or do some pregnancy yoga to keep myself active.

On a separate related note... Babies are heavy 🫠
I was a bit overconfident as someone who was doing weight lifting pre-pregnancy that I was gonna breeze through the newborn stage. Nope. So if you can focus on arm, core, and back strength these will all immensely help once baby is here. Learning to squat well and properly will also help you be able to pick stuff off the floor safely with baby in hand. It will hopefully save you from this horrid back pain (granted I also had chronic back pain beforehand).

Good luck!
@hott4tiff Hahaha I’ve been thinking about that!! When I got my puppy I had to take him with me a lot of places because he was too manic to leave at home (plus who wants to spend all day alone in a crate!) so I would carry him around a lot and I distinctly remember thinking “holy hell, how am I going to carry a baby->toddler if my arms are so sore with a 10lb puppy” 😂😂
@vanillasunflowers I do a lot of exercises with a 10lb kettle bell close to my chest. Lots of sitting to squatting to standing motions to mimic everyday motions I’d have with my baby! Front raises with a single 10lb dumbbell to mimic picking a baby up out of a crib or swing. It’s strength training but also highly functional for every day life with a baby.
@msulli If you can, I'd suggest working up in weight cause I was overconfident as someone who was curling 15-17lbs and yet even at 7lbs my arms were getting sore and at 2 months and probably 10+lbs I'm wondering how the heck I'm going to lift this kid up until several years old 😭

Something about holding that small amount of weight for hours really hits different 😩
@vanillasunflowers Well I did and then I got covid for a month 😑back to square one! At least I didn't lose too much strength. Some exercises I don't have to adjust my weights so that's a plus I guess! Just trying to figure out the best exercises for sciatica since that seemed to develop during the covid stagnant situation...

Workouts I love are hip adduction/abduction (I lean and sit forward to target the glutes more), many arm exercises, squats are great (there are so many varieties you can find gentle standing squats you can do almost anywhere), I do light yoga, hip openers are awesome, trying to get my act together and learn some prenatal yoga positions to add, walking and/or riding stationary bike is great, stairs might be fantastic, hiking if that's available to you, swimming for sure!
@adrigo Covid during pregnancy just feels cruel 😮‍💨 so sorry you had to deal with that!!

Thank you for all the workout recs!! There are so many lists of things to NOT do, it’s nice reading a list of actual options. Never even thought of prenatal yoga but definitely going to try that!! Also trying to get back into swimming but have to find a good maternity swimsuit first, I suspect my little addition wouldn’t appreciate being stuffed into my pre pregnancy one piece 😂
@vanillasunflowers I used to be a 3-5x Yoga sculpt/HIIT + walking 3-5miles/day person..for pregnancy I have just committed to walking 3 miles every day, maybe with 1 (or 2) rest days a week. I just started doing prenatal yoga (1x) a week and that's all I intend to do the rest (i'm 23w1d) and it feels enough. So far I'm on schedule to gain the lower end of the 'normal BMI' recommendation and that's been my goal. I think walking has helped me so much mentally, and I've read it helps ease labor, etc etc. and also has helped not exceed weight.
@searchinggod This is so comforting to hear thank you! I’ve been trying to go on a long walk most days with my husband and pup, but some days I’m just way too exhausted. Definitely want to try prenatal yoga too! Do you go to classes or do at home?
@vanillasunflowers Yeah it's so hard the days I go into the office. Getting several miles in at once is a challenge..I tend to try to to chunks on the treadmill most workdays where energy is just low in general. When I work from home. I'll do a mile/20 min chunks and that's been working for me to get to 3 miles daily. I go in-person to yoga because I find I will..not do it if I try to set up YouTube, etc. I need the commitment of signing up, etc. So far very glad I have invested the time/$ in it. It is making me move my body (again) in a way I have been avoiding for the last 5 months and it feels great and makes me more confident/connected.
@vanillasunflowers I think YMMV but I've been doing resistance training for the past 6ish weeks since my first trimester symptoms improved. With my pregnancy energy level and work schedule I only am able to 2-ish times per week but I still feel like I'm either gaining muscle or maintaining what I have. I feel pretty strong, when I'm not so tired 😝. I plan on continuing as much as I can!
@vanillasunflowers I figured I'll need stronger legs when I'm heavier / later in pregnancy plus the upper body stuff when I'm carrying these 2 babies around post partum. Plus in general it's just good to build muscle before we get old!