She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

@brightblossom Omg same!! Mines 8 weeks also and over 12 lbs. I have so many NB and 0 to 3 month clothes she never even got to wear and now we are at 3 to 6 and size 2 diapers. They grow so fast at this age. 🥲
@psyman lol my 10.5 week old is starting to size out of the 0-3 already as well - depending on brand. He’s only 4.6kg (~10lbs) but he seems to be too long for a lot of the pj’s in the 0-3 size!
@nggondez Yea the way baby sizing varies SO much brand by brand is so frustrating!!! She can still fit 0-3m in some brands (like Target) but nothing else! She’s also quite a long baby so even tho she’s not filling her clothes up, they’re restricting her movement because of how long her legs are so we have to size up for that 🥹
@psyman It does go extremely fast and is poignant for sure. Mine weighs about the same so similar clothing transition stage (but only 14 weeks so still fresh out of first trimester). If this perspective helps, I’m glad he’s a little bigger now because now he’s smiling and playing and laughing and babbling and doing things he wasn’t doing when he was tiny. Aside from tonight’s rage pooing followed by exhausted hysteria followed by nap trapping me, things have been so much easier the last month than they were at tiny age. I do constantly look at pics of him when smaller and I can’t believe how different he already looks!
@psyman The preemie diapers are so small when you look at where they are now. My guy was 4 weeks early, and he’s now about to outgrow 0-3 at 4 months. It is a reminder of just how quick things go. Enjoy exactly where they are in the moment because it really is fleeting