I absolutely lost it tonight


New member
And to preface the story it was a good kind.

We were watching Encanto: me, my wife and my 5 year old when mid movie our 8 month old wakes up so my wife goes and gets him and decides to just hold him. He’s teething so he’s been a little fussy lately even after a good nap.

A few min later I look over and my 5 year old grabbed our 8 month olds hand and they were just holding hands and I was like oh man that is adorable and pointed it out to my wife. I casually took a picture with my phone and then I just looked at them sitting there and the tears came and I just absolutely LOST IT.

I started wiping away tears and turned to my wife saying “why am I crying?!” And it just got more and more to me sobbing into my hands. I had to walk out of the room. And of course my wife is laughing and calling me cute the whole time.

There’s just something about being a dad. Prior to our first, who is now 6, I didn’t even begin to tear up at sad parts in movies. Now you show me any sad or emotional scene and I guarantee you there’s tears going down my face (I’m looking at you Endgame)

This is probably the first time though that something in my every day life with the kids has made me cry….. well that hard at least hahaha.

Just a story I wanted to share. I hope all you dads (and moms) have a great Christmas with your families!

Edit: Here’s the picture for you all as well!
@mwikali I cry at the littlest stuff. Today was my sons first Christmas (we did it early) and my aunt had printed this big measuring chart for him as he grows and it had a picture of him at the hospital and I just looked at him (now 12 weeks) and was weeping. This shit is the best.
@newvision2010 We celebrated Christmas yesterday (24th is traditional in my country).

I was the one reading the notes and handing out the gifts and my daughter was the one getting the most presents. Now that I think about it, it's only natural that she got a lot of gifts but it really hit me then for some reason.
@backbancher Same thing happened to me watching Inside Out a couple years with my oldest who is now 10.

Disney/Pixar knows exactly how to kick our heartstrings in the balls.

Also, this time of year, the ongoing pandemic, and the general fear and anxiety makes me a lot more protective.
@thaylon Inside out hit me hard. I have adult children of my own, and live with my gf and her two pre-teens. Inside out was definitely a tear jerker. But holy shit did I ever lose it with Onward. Full sobbing.
@backbancher After an especially rough day with the kiddo, watching him sleep peacefully makes me ugly sob. Not from the day's emotional drain but a deep seated love that is literally felt burning in my chest. First time it happened was the first time I really understood completely unconditional love.
@pauledward87 She already is making fun of me for this. Our 6 and 5 year old were just super nice to each other when choosing their bedtime popsicles and she’s like “you gonna cry about it?!”
@backbancher I think it’s a wonderful story and you needn’t be embarrassed. Those were the happiest of tears and it’s important for your kiddos to see that men have emotions that are more than when they get angry or frustrated. Happy tears are good for everyone. Well done Dad!
@backbancher I was talking about this very subject today. I could watch kittens being run over by lawnmowers (metaphorically speaking obviously) and not bat an eye, now I cant look at my kids without a tear in my eye.. its not fair, I want me heart of stone back.