6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

@gtasoldier First off: you’re doing great! You sound just like me months ago. I don’t know what’s going on with your baby but here are some ideas for you to try. But nothing will beat your maternal instincts. You are enough! You will figure this out!

I went through this and after 2+ months of doctors visits we learned he had both: laryngo spasms and allergic colitis. Hopefully my suggestions save you the time the we spent. Bc I can imagine how stressful this is. What I’d suggest is seeing a gastrointestinal doctor. Your LO could be allergic to something. There’s also a website called “Free to Feed” created by microbiologists and other credentialed experts to help you figure this out. Everything they do is remote so you won’t have to travel. My baby seemed like feeding and sleeping were the only times he wasn’t crying but the nursing ended up being the thing.

You can also try elimination diet if you suspect allergies: dairy, eggs, soy, wheat/gluten or anything else that you suspect based on your family history. If you are open to formula you can try a hypoallergenic formula as well.

Humbly, I hope this helps and you get some relief soon. I don’t wish this stress on anyone especially not a fellow first time mama whose doing everything she can.
Forgot to mention: a good probiotic everyday and colic relief before every feed too! We use Mama’s Bliss probiotics and none of the other comic remedies worked except Infacol. Some brand ideas.

Also if bottle feeding try feeding upright and hold baby for 15-20 mins upright after a feed. Also, try a nipple that slows the flow: like a premie or size 1 or transition nipple. Our OT recommended Sr Brown bottles. Also, when setting baby down try a pacifier to help strengthen the muscles against reflux.

When nursing lay back so baby is working against gravity to nurse to slow the flow-should help with reflux (GERD).

Sorry to spray and pray you but I was desperate in your situation so I’m guessing you might be too. Hope any of this helps you.
@gtasoldier Have you tried Windi’s? Our LO is easy going but his screaming fits have all been resolved so far by using these (and having It be gas in the lower belly instead of burp gas)

No expert, our son is just 7 weeks and It is our first, but It has saved us a few nights of sleep.
We also have some success bouncing him upright while distracting him with high contrast books or pictures on the wall and low hums. Black and white. Always try a pacifier too while bouncing if fussy. Sorry for such simple suggestions as I’m sure you’ve heard It all lol but that’s what works for us.
@gtasoldier Mine did the same - horrible reflux, gas sounds of a 40 year old man that just inhaled a can of beans, crying in pain and constant projectile spit up episodes. Was never happy unless eating or sleeping. Started out breast feeding and formula and eventually were so desperate to help him, we switched to only formula to take out the breast milk variable. We have since switched him to Alimentum hypoallergenic formula and it has helped a bit. We ended up having our ped test his stool for blood and it showed an intolerance to Enfamil, which is why we put him on hypoallergenic formula. Don’t give up on questioning your ped or asking for them to test your baby for an allergy. It is extremely common. Sometimes you have to be the squeaky wheel to get answers. It will get better though as your baby gets a bit older. I know your frustration and it probably seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but hang in there and take it one day at a time. You’ll get through it! Ask your ped to test for allergy.