I absolutely lost it tonight

@backbancher had a few of these exact situations pop up so far 11 months in. Emotions will get to you. none more so than the precious moments of your kid / kids. relish it because i hear it goes away faster than we want.

tldr it's Ok to cry.
@backbancher That movie is weird. I'm listening to a song that has nothing to do with me and it's got me thinking about other things I'm sad about. Like wtf Disney this movie is not like the other ones.
@backbancher I used to try and force myself not to cry, but at some point I said ‘fuck it’ and tear up at the littlest things now.

When watching the new Spider-Man movie I cried when Toby Maguire was introduced It really wasn’t even an emotional scene.
@backbancher This is happening to both me and my best friend. I was watching 24hrs in A&E, sobbing because I was imagining something happening to me and laying in a hospital bed just wanting my little girl.

Then speaking with my friend, he saw the John Lewis advert a month ago and started crying.
@backbancher Yep, definitely experiencing inexplicable crying since I became a father. I have worked in the television news business for two decades. I would almost consider myself a “hardened journalist”. I’ve covered some horrible events, met people on their worst days, and covered the story with a steely resolve…. That is, until my first was born. First time I gathered video at one of those “soldier surprises kid at school” events, I BROKE DOWN. Granted, my dad was in the army and deployed a few times in my childhood, so it hit home. Most recently though, I was in Mayfield, KY after the tornado. I was gathering video in the town square where an impromptu memorial wall went up. I looked through my viewfinder and lined up a shot of some flowers with a photo of an infant that died in the tornado and I absolutely became a sobbing mess. I had to shut my camera off, walk away, and take a good 10 minutes to gather my composure and just sob it out alone in the satellite truck.
@claudegepe Holy cow that’s super early! We’ve had so much of our evenings with me or my wife putting him down that we finally had it and he’s shown he doesn’t need us. This is night #2. Less than 10 min and he’s asleep in his bed all by himself! We’re so happy!
@backbancher You can definitely start at 3 months so we tried it! We got super lucky though. We tired ours out with lots of play and skipped an early evening nap… 2 minutes of CIO off and on and 12 hours of sleep every night from there on out.
@backbancher Omg I’m such a puddle these days. This is a great story. I’m always proud of my tears, rarely if eve cry when I’m “sad” or “angry”. It’s only when I’m filled up with joy it just pours over the top and I lose it. My wife also thinks it’s cute and laughs at me.