I absolutely lost it tonight

@backbancher Feels good to let it go sometimes. My wife read my this poem yesterday while we were driving down to our in-laws. It was a poem from The baby's perspective and when she got to this part, "we haven’t slept a lot yet tonight. But mama, I kinda need you right now." Tears were streaming down my face driving down the 5 freeway. Felt good, I felt better the rest of the day.
@backbancher My 2 week old was holding my thumb while lying in my lap. I got my wife’s attention and pointed it out in just a casual like “hey isn’t this cute” kind of way. As soon as she looked over i felt a wave of emotion and said “oh shit” before I started sobbing happy tears. It came completely out of no where and hit me like a ton of bricks. Just a cute moment that my feels decided to really go all in on for some reason.
@backbancher I too was reduced to sobs while watching that movie. Something about the combination of Mirabella telling her sister she still has value even if she can't handle all the pressure thrust on her and the scenes evoking that fear of loss of your loved ones while holding my girls just overwhelmed the dam holding back a lot of stuff over the last few months. Our home is still uninhabitable after Hurricane Ida and we've been staying with family while dealing with contractors and insurance to get back to normal and it's just kind of been a lot. It felt good to finally let go of all that.
@backbancher I relate with this in a big way. Before becoming a dad, I didn't cry often. It's not that I suppressed it (at least knowingly) it just didn't happen often.

Literally as soon as my son was born, me being the first person not a healthcare professional to see him, I was an absolute wreck. The happiest tears just overwhelmed me and I embraced them.

Ever since, the smallest things that tug at my heartstrings which take my thoughts to him in even the most random connection, I well up.

And I'm happy that I do.