6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

@gtasoldier Get the wonder weeks app. Sounds like he’s going through his first leap.

My son is almost 7 weeks and we’ve turned a corner.

It’s so hard. You’re not crazy. I’ve been solo parenting and it’s soooo tough on one person. I’ve had to have a lot of help to get through the days because the crying gets to be so much.
@gtasoldier You could try Colic Calm. It isnt cheap stuff, but gripe water and simethicone drops never worked on our babies.
Colic calm helps, it might give you some relief. Safe for newborns.
I've only ever been able to find it at Walgreens or on Amazon.

In the meantime, get some noise reduction earbuds - it will help your sanity.

Your baby WILL sleep and be happy. This just FEELS like forever.

You know how they say sleep when the baby sleeps? Here's a better one : Cry when the baby cries.... this stage is HARD.
@gtasoldier Had this with mine too! It was awful, sorry you’re going through it as well. I did give up dairy and legumes and that helped a lot. Using the 5 S’ also helped a bit. We’re at 11 weeks and she’s doing so much better- hang in there!
@gtasoldier I have a now 3 month old. Shortly after he was born he would scream/cry non stop, he would crunch himself into a little ball and would be incredibly tense. We thought we had a colicky baby. Our pediatrician ended up testing his stool for blood, even tho we couldn’t physically see any. It ended up being positive. Our pediatrician recommended to stop breastfeeding and to try alimentum formula with suspected cow milk protein allergy. After a week of formula feeding he was so much happier. He still cried and was painful since his tummy was still healing but it was so much better. We also use mylicon gas drops after feeds.
At his 2 month appt we suspected he has reflux as well so he is also on a dose of famotidine.
Hang in there! Parenting is incredibly hard and we were at our breaking point, but it gets better ❤️
@gtasoldier Hello, have you considered that it could be milk protein allergy??? My LO currently 10 weeks has been on allergy free formula from the pharmacy for around 4 weeks and has been a different baby since... He never slept during the day and now he naps every couple of hours for about half an hour... He is so calm, he sleeps trough the night and wakes up only twice to eat and then goes back to sleep... Also i stopped pumping and feel like a different person... ( Im not suggesting you stop, i actually admire all moms that give their milk either breastfeeding or pumping... I wish you all the best , and know you are not alone... 😚😚😚
@gtasoldier My baby was like this. When she was about 3 weeks she woke up to the world and cried nonstop. Things started getting better when she was 3-4 months old. She was a really difficult, high needs baby. I think she just hated being a baby. She was really frustrated by not being able to move. Once she started crawling around 9 months she was a much happier baby and now at 1 year she is just the happiest little girl. It was so so so hard so I really sympathize. Some babys are just colicky/ high needs and there's not much you can do. You will get through it.
@gtasoldier My pediatrician says the baby “realizes they’re out” around 3 weeks and starts getting fussy. That’s been my experience for both my boys. I find a lot of the fussiness in our case comes down to tummy troubles. Try increasing tummy time, even just letting them lay on top of you on their stomach while you’re watching tv on the sofa. Gas drops or gripe water could help although never really worked for us. Staying vigilant on adequate burping and tummy time has been the most effective for us. For some reason, my kids never usually burp while or immediately after feeding so try burping them through the day using different methods (back/chest pats, holding them under the arms and moving them gently in circles, etc). If the stool looks irregular and the baby is fussy most of the day, also try getting their stool tested for milk protein sensitivity. If the baby is that uncomfortable it may be worth experimenting with less dairy in your diet (if breastfeeding) or switching formulas. Most babies tend to grow out of tummy issues by 12 weeks. Just stay in contact with the pediatrician to make sure no acute issues are happening, and you should be in the clear soon!
@gtasoldier Just came here to say what everyone else has. My second one was fussy after feeds as described around 2 weeks. I immediately cut diary from my diet.. it took about 2 weeks to fully see the impact but she is doing AMAZING since! It’s really worth trying eliminating from diet if your LO is being impacted (remember to wait the full two weeks!) and consider switching to a hypoallergenic formula if you’re using that. Additionally, someone else mentioned this but tummy time!! It really helps them relieve gas. Also, finding a pacifier that they love has helped too in cases where she’s gassy and just needs a little extra comfort. Giobata probiotic drops have also been effective for us, we use them everyday. They were suggested with my niece in the NICU who was also a bit colicy at first. I hope these help, but I promise it passes as quickly as it comes too❤️ hang in there!!
@gtasoldier Mine was the same. Turns out she was lactose intolerant. I didn’t realize my breast milk was hurting her until I switched over to formula. But even then needed the thicker one. It was a rough time.
@gtasoldier You poor thing, it’s awful feeling your baby is in pain and you’re unable to comfort them! 3 weeks is early days, remember you’re surviving not thriving at this point and it gets better.

As lots of others have commented, CMPI is worth looking into, if you haven’t already - mucous and blood in the poop are symptoms so keep an eye out for that.
@gtasoldier My baby was similar, she became like this in week 4 and she screamed non stop. We were at our wits end.

It turns out she was intolerant to dairy and when I cut dairy out of my diet she came right
@gtasoldier We had similar issues. Finally found a combination of things to cut that works for him. Reintroducing one at a time. Soy absolutely does not agree with him. He’s a different baby.
I had cut dairy, soy, caffeine, and my laxative when he finally evened out. We’re at 11 weeks now

You could try a very sensitive stomach formula for a bit to see if they do better if you don’t want to change diet for “just in case”. It can still take over a week to recover, especially if they’ve had what doesn’t agree with them for a while

For him there’s a delay of at least a day with reaction to soy, and it seems like he creates gas after eating. Gas drops took the edge off, but no amount of burping or those completely eliminated the issue. Painful gas would get stuck in his mid digestive tract. Only comfort nursing would help
@gtasoldier The nighttime gripe water is a game changer compared to regular. I mix that with gas drops and it helps so much. There is also a nighttime natural sleep aid that's not melatonin for kids 6 months + by the mommy bliss brand or whatever it's called
@gtasoldier Oh man, I was in this exact scenario. Little man, no exaggeration, would cry for hours. I felt violent snd helped. He’s now the happiest 6 month old (probably a temperament thing though).
1. I bought a soft wrap and wore me snug and upright most of the day. He had awful reflux like soak my shirt awful.
2. I got a bouncer to keep him lying in an upright reclined position.
3. I cut out dairy. I hated this and it was my last resort but it tremendously helped.
4. Time. It will pass. Probably in what feels like years, but I promise it will pass.

Sending so much solidarity. I’ve never experienced something so emotionally painful like a screaming and inconsolable newborn. It physically hurt me. Big hugs to you!
@gtasoldier At 6 weeks we had an inconsolable baby who couldn't even slp. She had just had the jabs and we read that peak fussiness happens at 6-8 weeks. We got to a point where it was just so bad I said to my husband this just isn't normal. We called the parent hotline who told us to go ER as she was so young and we couldn't figure out why and everything was ticked. Turns out she had a UTI. I'm glad I went with my gut and took her to the children's ER.
@gtasoldier Coming in late but have you tried bottled water? The big jugs for like $3? My LO was like that. Screaming, fussy, seemed like in pain, spitting up... We've even had to put her to sleep at a slight incline. Ovol and gripe water are hit or miss..we switched to enfamil gentlease ( which only worked for a week)

Then I switched her to bottled water and BAM! After the first feeding, she was a different baby. She is still a bit gassy at times but she doesn't seem like she's in pain anymore. Like, she's a completely different baby from week 2. Now, we feed, burp (barely burps) and then we snuggle.