I absolutely lost it tonight

@backbancher Im 31 with a 3 month old daughter. Whenever i hear the HALO theme song now it just hits hard. Something about nostalgia and being a dad opens up a new emotional pathway. I love it.
@kenzie Goddam I wish I read this comment 24 hours ago. I was not at all emotionally prepared for season 2 last night after wrapping the last gifts and setting them up under the tree
@backbancher Kids man. They’ll get you. I remember trying to hide my emotions pre-kids, and now there is zero chance of that happening. Thanks for sharing! You sound like a stellar dad!
@backbancher You should have seen your boy when I dropped my 4 year old off to preschool . All the other kids were screaming and crying . She was so ready to attack it . My baby mama was celebrating and I was a wreck lol
@backbancher As someone who just lost my beautiful family due to unhealthy situations…Having a 6 year old daughter who absolutely adores my 8 month old son. Cherish it man. This just had me sobbing with envy. You never know when it can all be turned around. Im happy for you. The fact that you feel and act that way means you’re an awesome dad.
@backbancher I feel you. I am 6 foot three, 260, with a full beard, and my kids have certainly heard me yell the walls down. But Goddamn if Pixar and Disney don’t know how to twist the knife in my heart. Whatever you do, don’t watch Onward.
@backbancher Bro… when those portals open in Endgame and “..on..you…..left” comes up, the waterworks fire up every single time. Also, I can’t watch anything with kids in peril or anything with happy endings now without a little gulping. You are us, bud.
@backbancher You hit the nail right on the head! When you become a dad, your emotions just take over.

I remember my son's pre-k graduation number at the daycare's end of year show. I was bawling the entire time, because seeing him up there was so precious!
@backbancher Similar situation for me. Christmas songs make me break down in tears since my son was born.

The first time I knew I had been irrevocably changed was watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (which I had already seen) a month or so after my son was born. I was in bed with him while my wife was out, and he was asleep. The opening sequence shows Benjamin's father attempt to drown him for being ugly, and I just started bawling. I was one of the last people that would EVER cry or be emotional during something like that previously. Being a dad changes your damn life, man.