I absolutely lost it tonight

@backbancher I never used to get emotional at stuff in movies or tv shows. But since having kids anything sad or emotional regarding a child and I can feel my eyes welling up. I almost lost it when Kevin’s mom apologized to him in Home Alone the other night. It’s crazy what becoming a dad does to you.
@backbancher I’m so glad I’m not alone! Have a 2 month old and have been feeling the same way. Cheesy Christmas movies, emotional movies etc just set me off. I was a little emotional before but it feels so much more amplified since the baby got here.
@backbancher Oh yeah. I totally get the random crying. It's just a sign of pure happiness and love. Something I have not felt in a very long time until my son was born. I found myself crying when I was making funny noises at him during his play time and he started smiling and making his happy noises. I also find myself randomly crying just holding him and watching him sleep. It's crazy what being a father does to you emotionally.
@backbancher Oh man, my little girl loves the movie Luca, so we would watch it multiple times a day. And each and every time, that ending would just kill me. It’s just so dang wholesome.

(Spoilers if you haven’t watched it yet)

>! Like, when Luca and Alberto are at the train station and they’re saying goodbye (unexpectedly for Luca). Luca is worried about Alberto, but he’s like, “I’ll be okay, I’m okay. You got me off the island Luca.” And then as the train is departing, Luca looks back to where he came from (to the island, then back to Alberto and his family) and then turns around to face forward. And when he’s facing forward the music crescendos, using the same musical theme for each of Luca’s previous day-dreams about seeing the world. So he’s done it. He’s finally made his dream a reality. And the music behind it all is just so wonderful that each time I watch this I get that lump in my throat and water in my eyes. !
@backbancher I'm right there with you bro. I cry at commercials dude. Commercials. Have you ever seen Coco? Dead. Luca? I filled that ocean they swim in. Lion King? My man, I have to leave the room. Finding Dory was the first full movie we watched with my son (2.5). Cried for that one too. Its a thing
@backbancher Dude, are you me? I have a soon to be two year old and a 4 month old. I was organizing presents for tomorrow morning earlier, and I noticed one of the tags said “Love, your boys.” I started tearing up. I love those two little stinkers.
@abooth81 I play the guitar and my daughter was about 4 when that movie came out. I sobbed like a baby - like uncontrollable rivers of dad emotion pouring from parts of my heart I thought had long since scabbed over.
@backbancher this is the most wholesome sub I've ever been a part of. I'm really new to daddit, I've got a son about to turn 3 yrs old, and I'm so happy I've found this wonderful sub.

Good for you, man. That sounds awesome. My wife and I are planning on trying for a second child soon. She's just waiting to stop birth control. But I really can't wait for moments like that!
@backbancher Same here man. I think I went a solid decade without crying or even getting the impulse to cry and holding it back. Oldest is 2.5yrs now and I'll cry just listening to Frozen soundtrack on the way to driving to daycare.
@backbancher Dude! That movie hit me ALL in my feels! I’m glad it wasn’t just me lol

Most family oriented animated movies make me tear up internally now. Especially when there’s bonding moments between brothers (dad of 2 boys) or father/son moments.

Few movies make me SOB uncontrollably like Pursuit of Happyness though. My dad took me to see that when I was like 15. Had no idea why he was crying in the theatre then but watching it now I lose it every time. Easily one of my TOP 5 movies of all time now.
@backbancher That’s awesome! As someone with a little man who is fast approaching the 1 I find myself getting more emotional about things as well. Often when you don’t expect it. My wife and I are both teachers so we are used to helping our students make various gifts for their parents throughout the school year, well, this year with our son in daycare it had not occurred to us that we might begin receiving gifts from him. And oh boy did that little Gingerbread recipe with 1 big hug in the ingredients get the waterworks flowing lol. These moments are so precious and I hope you have many more memories like this!