I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

@gina I’m not sure if it’s the tequila or the salt but I swear if I have a sore throat or start of a cold and partake in a margarita or two, I always feel better the next day. Hope you get well soon!
@dariov14 I did a toddy last time I had some crud… used bourbon and idk if I made it wrong but I think the cure is you forget your sick when the giggles kick in 🫠
@gina I had this a while ago- naps during the day (in addition to full 8 hours at night), humidifier, Nasal rinses, cold remedy tea with honey, zinc nasal swabs every 6 hours, ibuprofen or Tylenol every 6, daily multivitamin, smoothies with spinach and fruit and yogurt. No exerting myself even if the drugs made me feel like i could finally live.
It was around the 2 week mark it got better, and maybe a month later it was much better (besides blocked ears).
@waitingfortheday I rely heavily on nasal rinses and zinc whenever anyone in the house is sick. My toddler and husband have both had a bad cough (plus fever for the toddler) for over a week and I’ve managed to avoid it, and I credit the prophylactic use of nasal irrigation.

OP, nasal irrigation twice a day has been shown to reduce viral load (if you have a virus), which helps with severity of the illness. Taking 300% the daily value of zinc has also been shown to reduce the length and severity of illnesses. Zinc works by surrounding the bacteria or virus and prevents it from reproducing. Using zinc lozenges, spray, or swabs works better than a pill because they target the area the germs start reproducing in, which is generally the sinus and throat.
@neasia11 Oh no, I just got blood work done and my zinc is low looooow. Does this mean I did this to myself? I’ll check out the zinc swabs and order some zinc today. And I’ll up my nasal washes to twice a day.
@gina Nooo! I don’t think you did anything to yourself, especially since a doctor could have told you about the zinc benefits and hasn’t yet. That’s not on you! It’s best to use zinc at the onset of an illness, but I think it has benefits the entire time.
@ngie No, but now that these comments have me worried I have mono-pneumonia-cancer, I’m thinking about going back in to the doctor this week.
@gina You probably don’t have all of that. But get checked out anyway, because whatever bug you have is bad and letting it go might make it worse. Snap Crackle and Pop probably means you’ve got some fluid (from fighting whatever germ) goin’ on, so it’s best to get it treated before it sticks around and becomes something worse. Take care of yourself 💕
@gina Yes.. but sometimes it’s not something you can hear yourself. Doctor should be able to hear it by listening to your lungs. In my case, the doctor heard it but x-ray didn’t show it, whereas the CT scan did (both lungs affected).
@gina I be the Debby Downer, but if you still have a fever after the antibiotics and you're negative for COVID and flu I would see about other tests. I say this because I had some random fevers (and later on bad fatigue and a terrible cough) and it took probably six months of testing to finally find out I was this way because I had cancer. It's all good now (remission for a couple years now), but if you don't see improvement I would get further testing done to be safe. I know easier said than done, but to be safe.

Otherwise, I slept every chance I got and drank any hot drink I could. I was probably my most hydrated during that time because it was the only thing to get me to stop coughing for the longest time.