I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

@gina I do hope you get better soon!

I like to make soybean sprout soup when I have a persistent cold/flu. Add jalapeño slices and/or chili powder. I always seem to feel much better the next day.
This and a honey lemon tea!

Rooting for your recovery!
@gina Ok mama, first, maybe take some solace that you get to be away from spouse and parenting duties. A win? I think so!

Second, my whole family got hit with Flu B this year and it was 7th circle shit. I got the flu shot and still had a fever for 6 days. Anything I ate went right through me… it was so bad, my teen daughters had affectionately named me “garbage ass.” I’d be offended if they were not right… It took 3 weeks to be able to take the trash out and come back inside without getting cold sweats. I am still, 5 weeks later, only just now able to sleep a while night without waking myself up from coughing. So unless you were tested for it, I’d probably assume the flu.

This will be shitty and hard to hear, but, you need ACTUAL rest and fluids. Lots of both. Organic bone broth. Emergen-C. Tons of ULTIMA. And I made a “ginger brew” my Jamaican friend swore by… steep chopped ginger and fresh mint in a out of water until it turns golden yellow (think dehydrated piss) and then add to a large mug with fresh lemon juice and Manuka honey. Drink as much as you can… and chew the ginger when you can’t stop coughing. And, although you can get hooked on it, get yourself a nasal spray like Afrin to get you some relief. It really did help. Make sure you are taking mucinex around the clock to help dry you out, and have some delsym on hand for the cough. Other than that, I took Tylenol PM to help me sleep though the night. Could that combo of meds have killed me? Maybe. But the sweet release of death sounded appealing after 2 weeks of these symptoms, so I was willing to take the risk.

As for work, thank god I am self employed. I only had one client tell me that we had a conversation I had zero recollection of… but that I got off the phone quickly and made no promises for delivery times on work, lol. So, I managed.

I’m sorry you feel like trash. Here’s to hoping you are better soon!
@carterdraken See here’s where I fucked up. Yesterday was Easter right, and I have a 4 yr old. We got her a bug vacuum and terrarium so of course my dumb ass was going to help her use it. I was wandering around in the backyard in slippers, a sweaty sleep shirt, no bra, wrapped in a blanket looking like a bog witch helping my child vacuum up rolley pollies. By the end of the day both the rolley pollies and I were doing significantly worse.

Lesson learned, I need to just stay in bed even if I start to feel better.
@gina Yes. Heed my warning. You NEED to stay in bed and sleep. I did it for 2 weeks and it STILL was a bear to get back into it. I play tennis 2x a week and it took almost 6 weeks to be well enough to play… and I should have given it another week. My lungs couldn’t handle it. It’s not joke and can turn to pneumonia if you don’t rest. Go watch the Kardashians and tell your hubby that you have door dashed food for yourself .
@gina Lean into the Victorian wasting disease and tell everyone that you require 3 months by the seaside in order to recuperate from the black lung.
@seal87 I tried to tell my wife (I am also wife) I needed something like this and she laughed in my face and told me to stop breathing on her.
@gina Have you been tested for influenza A?
What you have sounds exactly like what my husband, two kids, and I are dealing with. Current influenza lasts 10-14 days according to my doc.
I have no advice other than good luck and god speed, soldier.
@secret78 Negative for flu and Covid. My kid is sick with an ear infection and a cough but she’s not even half as sick as I am thankfully. I am going to get even whinier if I have to endure this for another week. 😭
@gina My coworker just got mono from her kindergartener. Is OP near Atlanta?

I get fresh salsa (like the raw pico kind) with lots of raw onions and garlic and mainline it.
@catholickid96 The NP I saw the first time I went in said “whoops we forgot to test you for mono!” I was like, you still could…? Then she started drawing a diagram of my sinuses, which was actually a pretty great drawing, so I got distracted and forgot about mono.
@catholickid96 Yeah, the only time as an adult I’ve had a fever last that long is when I had mono. Make sure you’re getting plenty of electrolytes. I drank so much water that I flushed my system. By the time I went in to the doctor I was tools I could either get admitted and get it fluids or I had to promise to drink nothing but Gatorade for the next few days. To this day I can’t even think about Gatorade without gagging. 🤢
@cody64 I live on Gatorade when I'm sick. I hide it so my kids won't drink my emergency supply.

Also that made me think of my husband's warning for the colonoscopy- the prep kit you mix with Gatorade. Pick a flavor you hate, because after that- you will hate it more.