I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

@katrina2017 Thank you! I am a very very bored pasty Victorian child at this point. I need a feather pen and parchment to start writing my manifesto before my untimely demise.
@gina Nebulizer treatments help me immensely, did you get tested? Knowing flu, vs Covid vs pneumonia etc can help a game plan. Covid always takes me weeks to emerge from the death stage. I hope you feel better soon!
@yodamama Negative for Covid and flu but another commenter said something about the black plague and that resonates with me.

Covid had me crawling to the bathroom I was so weak. It took me a month to get over Covid. It surprisingly never made me cough though, just fever.
@gina I live off of Gatorade, ramen and so many cold meds when I get sick. I pretty much chug nyquil, which with my meds isn't recommended but anything is preferable to that shit.

My hacks are afrin, daily vitamins with super hero doses of zinc and vitamin c, a cool mist humidifier, vapo rub, and Popsicles of any kind. This last batch was icee type ones which helped me feel better about life. See also warm jello, spoonfuls of honey, raspberry tea, chicken noodle soup and chopped the food network TV show and bridgerton.

I hope your witchiness recovers and you write a novel about the olden days because you are an entertaining writer and I need more of that in my life.
@gina My mom would always make us “potion” when we were sick, and I do think it helps. Here is the recipe :

16 oz warm water:

1 tbsp raw Honey

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar(with the mother)

2 tbsp lemon juice fresh squeezed

½ tsp ground cinnamon

Add honey to warm water and stir until the honey is fully dissolved.
Add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cinnamon.
Drink when fully combined.

Other things that help me are drinking kombucha and taking 1000 my Tylenol and 400 mg of ibuprofen at the same time. This combo has been found to have very high pain relieving effects.
@gina Hot tea/water with lemon and honey, nebulizer with saline, xclear nasal wash, turn shower on hottest setting and sit outside of it breathing in the steam (bonus points if you get some eucalyptus in the room), fresh air and sunshine, hope and a dream
@gina It took like 10 days of antibiotics for my husband to clear a sinus infection this winter, and none of us could believe it. The crud is real this year. I’m so sorry this is happening and hope you’re feeling better soon!
@gina Dead ass we did potatoes in the socks it did go away but could’ve just ran its course. The other thing I do is oregano oil, andrographs, elder berry syrup
@gina I am so sorry, I had some virus about a month ago, that took me out in a similar fashion — and then even though the cough and fevers were better, I was so tired. Like probably could not have roused from a burning building fatigue! I absolutely had to nap. I started getting worried that I was going to have to file for disability for sleeping sickness. But eventually I recovered.

Ever since I listened to the physician who present the Med ram podcast talk about how hospitals should consider bringing back solariums for COViD, due to sunlight having healing properties, I am like, “ehh, maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t but it surely can’t hurt — so now my kids groan, as I am a “get out their in the sun and walk” any time my kids or I are sick.
@gina Do you have a humidifier? Try the Vicks vaporizer too, used with their liquid Vicks to help make the air more breathable. Other than that, lot of water, oranges and mandarins, veggies soups, and I noticed actually working out a bit, even 30min walk helped me recover better when I had this, better than just taking meds.
@gina Did your doctor prescribe Tessalon Perles? This was the only thing that worked for me. I was coughing so much I was pissing myself and the cough was so deep I was coughing myself sick (vomiting due to the coughing). This stuff basically paralyzes your throat and the muscles that make you want to cough so you don’t cough. I was diagnosed with an upper respiratory tract infection.
@gina Elderberry with honey -- it numbs your throat for a bit. Not for too long, but it's worth it. And since it's purported to be immune boosting, it works out.