Teething "fever"

@cjmnksa I’m in the same boat right now baby has been fevering on and off past week I’m assuming teething but I remember doctor say fevers I. Teething kids don’t go over 100 but the highest my kid was 104 he isn’t coughing nothing just random fevers also isn’t eating
@cjmnksa My kid just popped his 3rd molar and had a fever of 103 after a nap yesterday. He has no other symptoms other than not wanting to drink or eat which totally makes sense. Today he’s fine. It’s got to be teething right?
@cjmnksa My daughter is 19 months and is cutting 4 teeth right now, she’s had a fever for 3 days between 99-101 but she’s showing no other “sick” signs. We are alternating Tylenol and Motrin, and we are also not sleeping 😴😵‍💫