I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

@lovedforever Jesus, this is awful!! I really hope you start to improve. I swear since my child started daycare 3 years ago every fall and winter turns into a gauntlet of sickness. A Hunger Games of microbes. Just illness after illness. I enforce mandatory family hand washing throughout the day because if I get pink eye or strep throat one more god damn time I’m going to turn into one of those off grid weirdos who homeschools from a bunker in Alaska.
@gina Thanks and same to you! Today was much better. My little disease vector returned to school today sooooooo… wanna go halves on the bunker? I promise we’ll stick to our own side!
@gina I actually had whatever this was as recently as last week. I was sick for 21 days and honestly? Could’ve used more recovery time. I ended up actually getting pneumonia 😐 the last 2 weeks of it I kept the humidifier running 24/7 and that did help some with the debilitating cough. Also, make sure you’re getting up to stretch so you don’t get blood clots! And get an incentive spirometer off of Amazon
@gina Greek mountain tea! I nearly died of whooping cough my first year teaching, and an angel of an Albanian mother to one of my students introduced me to this herbal miracle worker. Brew a strong cup using buds, stems, leaves, alllll of it; boil for 5 minutes, steep another 5 minutes. Add as much honey as your heart desires, a generous squirt of lemon juice, and as weird as this sounds, a pat of butter. Soothes the throat, warms the chest to help break up mucus, hydrates you, and honestly if holding a warm mug of tea wrapped in a blanket doesn't make you feel just a smidgen better you're probably dead by morning anyhow.