I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

@gina I was going to write up a post such as, “try this one quick tip to lose the last of the baby weight!! Spoiler: it’s sh*tting your brains out for 2 days due to noro/flu” but I strongly prefer your pasty Victorian child version 😂
@gina I have found curling up in the fetal position under a hot shower to be beneficial for physical health but kind of hit or miss for emotional and mental health.
@gina I’ve thought about trying fire cider when my toddler brings god knows what home from nursery. It’s the perfect blend of crunchy nonsense and “ok, I can see how this could work “
@gina Raw garlic (it’s terrible but cleared out my sinus real fast & ACV in my tea with local honey. You could get really desperate and try the higher concentrated MGO Manuka Honey (more $$$) but I’m not convinced it actually is different than local honey.
@gina Hi. This comes from (a very bad) experience.

How high is your fever? Because at this point you likely need a chest xray at the very least. This sounds like walking pneumonia. And trust me when I say you don’t want to let it go, because that lands you in the hospital and having to take 8 weeks disability because you thought you could power through that “really tough cold”.

If the antibiotics aren’t working, your doctor needs to look harder. Seriously.
@gina “That could have been an email” LMAO 🤣 every meeting that could have been an email gives me a fever too. I think it might just be our jobs!
@gina Have you considered writing short stories lmaooo

Feel better

My mom would stick our feet into hot water for twenty
Minutes and make us sweat silly. Then put on some socks and a shirt and go straight to bed. It helped with the coughs.
@gina Whatever this virus is going around is BRUTAL. we are on day 4 of fever over here and none of my tired and true remedies are working and the fever reducers don’t work for longer than 2 hours. Covid tests are all neg but I’ve got to wonder if the tests are even accurate anymore.
@gina If you have a cough this worked wonders when my husband and I caught RSV from our kiddo last winter.

This tea

With honey and the following herbs lightly roasted then steeped with the tea in hot water:
- whole clove (teaspoon)
- black peppercorn (teaspoon)
- cinnamon (one inch piece)

- coriander seed (teaspoon)
@gina Lemon ginger tea, real local raw honey, lots of water and vitamin C, make sure.you eat healthy food. If necessary, a shot of vodka or whiskey with a blanket wrapped around you and "sweat it out" (or use a sauna if you have access to one).
@gina Sounds like you need to move out to the desert to get some of that "dry air" they were always prescribing lol.

Seriously, I'm sorry though - that sounds fucking awful. I had a similar illness from hell and my ear drum ended up rupturing. Super super fun times 😎
@gina Get some raw honey and stick some fresh garlic cloves in it, jar it with an inch of head space. You'll have to burp it daily while the garlic ferments. Flip the jar upside down after a day, then the next day flip it back upright, and repeat for a week or two. This keeps the garlic coated with honey. Keep it in the dark.

Fermented garlic in raw honey is antiviral and antibacterial. Eat a clove and a spoon full of the honey once a day when you've come down with whatever plague is afflicting you. Not safe for babies.

I'd use it up within a year, and if you don't use it all as medicine you can use the rest for some pretty chronic honey garlic chicken.
@gina Unfortunately, I can’t do anything to help you but I wanted to let you know that this is exceptionally well written. If you ever start a web show or something that has this kind of humor and wit, I’d follow that for sure!