@daphne1 I had a similar experience to you. PROM, labor augmented by pitocin & another drug, extremely painful 2-minute apart contractions early on despite virtually no dilation, plus the contractions were in a very strange place due to her position, chorioamnionitis (had to get IV antibiotics during pushing), 4 solid hours of pushing, my daughter came out grey with the cord wrapped around her neck so they couldn’t delay cord clamp or give her to me immediately, and of course prolapse. Plus my milk came in late, she lost too much weight and got jaundice.
I dealt with really hard emotions for the first month and wished I could turn back time to when she was in my body & things were easier. And I longed to be able to “redo” labor and have a better experience (I thought maybe it was my fault things went the way they did). I didn’t think I could ever want another kid again after that (and I’ve always wanted multiple kids). But after that first month it slowly started getting better. One thing that helped was writing out my birth story and sharing it with people. But mostly just time, which allowed my hormones to settle down and for us to settle into a routine (and for her to sleep better at night).
She’s 16 months now and I don’t feel traumatized by my experience, haven’t for a while. Oh, and I did PT for my prolapse; at this point I rarely feel it, though I know it’s still there and always will be (supposedly prolapses don’t get worse during subsequent pregnancies, but will likely become symptomatic again and need more PT). I’m about to start trying for baby #2 and super excited!