How unlucky was I?

@untilthewholeworldhears It was one of the few moments of conception, pregnancy, birth, etc. where I felt like I really had it handled/the way I wanted/etc. When I got to the hospital I heard a woman moaning like an injured animal and when I tell you i SKIPPED OFF to listen to a podcast and wait for the doctor to come get me...
@qody Haha, you could have been listening to me! I feel
So bad for anyone in the room next to me! Good for you! And seriously, my recovery was way faster than a neighbor who had a bad tear. I did not understand the complications with a vaginal delivery going into it. And finally, in case anyone takes this advice… the c-section was traumatic, but mostly because I didn’t plan on it. If I mentally went in knowing what was happening I think it would have been way different than going in after 24 hours and no sleep. I threw up, had the labor shakes, heard them talking about how he still couldn’t come out because after all of the pushing he was wedged in my pelvis. Listen to a podcast and skip into the room… yes, please!
@verve Anecdotally, I had second-degree tears with my first two, both fast labors and delivered in hospital. I only had a first-degree tear with my third, slower labor, delivered at home.

Just to say, just because things are “more likely” doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed.
@daphne1 The podcast “Evidence Based Birth” has episodes that deal with a few of these. The one on episiotomy and tearing has some good stats, from memory. There’s def also an episode on failure to progress.

I highly recommend that podcast in general if you haven’t already listened.
@daphne1 I’m so sorry you went through this. Do you mind if I ask a couple of questions that would help me know what research to point you to? Specifically, how many weeks gestation were you when PROM occured? Was there any reason you know of that caused PROM? Did you have any other complications during pregnancy? And crucially, how is your mental health now - do you feel like you have a support system in place and your PPD is being managed?
@fleckphan I was 38+2, with no complications. The only thing I can think of that might have caused PROM was that I had been doing a fair amount of walking - not like Olympic levels, just more than enough to tire me out.

My mental health is not in a great place tbh. I’m trying to access appropriate care, but it’s not easy where I am and I don’t have the budget to pay for private therapy indefinitely. I don’t have a big network where I am, and none of my friends (who mostly live far away) have kids.

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