How to handle a kid hitting your kid?

@niccole2011 I haven’t had the experience with this yet as my son just turned 2 and has never hung out with an older child outside of the family, but you handled it right. You unfortunately probably parented that other dad’s child more/better than that dad has ever done and you also showed restraint and set a good example for your own child in the meantime. You can’t take the asshole out of another person but you can do your best to teach your own child how not to be one and it sounds like you did your job. It sucks but some people are just trashy.
@niccole2011 Sounds to me like the other dad sucks and you handled it very well. I probably would have just to the other kid something like "It's not nice to hit people" but that's just me.
@niccole2011 You did everything right. Kids figure out the world isn’t safe but great dads like you make home feel safe. That’s honestly the best gift you can give your kids, boy or girl. I strongly feel every child should be enrolled in a martial art, but especially girls. Boys tend to learn to rough house, get a bit hurt, and keep on playing. Girls need that training too. Girls need to learn to take (not crumble or freeze when) hit, then run or fight back until they can run. There are more men out there thinking if women want the right to vote, access to good healthcare, and equal pay for equal work that that means women get the “right” to be assaulted. You met one in the wild.
@niccole2011 Thats the shit I don’t let happen. You let someone walk on you then they will continue to do it and one day that will happen to someone else’s daughter and maybe yours as well. A man ever says that to me about his boy hitting my baby girl I am walking out to the parking lot challenging his fragile ego all the way out the door. I wrestled for 8 years and actively train BJJ. By no means is it the right way to handle it but sometimes that is what is needed.
@niccole2011 It didn’t affect your kid, so problem solved. That being said, I have previously dealt with dads like that by making it clear that “anything your kid does to mine, I’m gonna do to you”. Not a threat, and if their kid maintains their manners it means that I will do the same. But sometimes these assholes need checked. I don’t believe in passivity i. The face of aggressive behavior. It often emboldens. Trades a quick fix for a good one.
@niccole2011 That guy sounds like a wife beater. These are the kinds of people that push things constantly and eventually go over the line and someone makes them pay. Maybe he’ll learn a lesson or maybe not but the universe sorts them out eventually down the road.
@niccole2011 So by his logic, does this mean that a 13 y/o girl can beat the snot out of his kid?

You handled this really well, and I’m sure your daughter will remember you standing up for her.
@niccole2011 As a fellow dad i think you did things exacty right. If it was MY kid doing the hitting I would be thanking you for stepping up when i wasnt there myself. It takes a village and right v wrong is a life long lesson.

As for the emotions after, theres gonna be assholes in all walks of life, you cant avoid it. Just gotta recognize it for what it is and be like "oh! I get it now, won't waste any more of my time with you now".
@niccole2011 An 8ish y/o kid hit my 1y/o at a birthday party last week and I hope I scared that boy for the rest of his life, I felt like I was making myself look bigger to scare off a bear as I stood over this little turd and used my most authoritative mom voice to tell him that I had better not see him touch my child or any other child again or else there would be serious consequences. It brought me some satisfaction to see that my mom voice has been perfected since I first became a parent 6 years ago because the shit eating grin fell off this kids face and he very quietly said "ok" and ran off

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