Disappointed that I couldn’t handle the pain of giving birth unmedicated

@voice_itw I said the same thing until i checked into the hospital with 3 days of no sleep under my belt due to laboring at home. I decided that an epidural nap would be the only way I’d muster up any strength and energy to push my daughter out.

No one gets a sticker for delivering unmedicated. We do what we need to do to ensure safe and healthy deliveries for mom and baby. You’re a champion and birthed a little human. That human is earthside because of YOU, medicated or otherwise. Give yourself grace.
@voice_itw Please don’t feel bad!!! I was the queen of I’m going to have a natural labor and home birth because I CAN. Yeah no. I couldn’t. My body failed to progress and my waters had been broken for 24 hours. Transferred to hospital. Contractions picked up big time, was given just the tiniest dose of pitocin because we were racing the clock. I know those back to back contractions. I wanted to escape my body so bad. I could t sit still. It was horrible. Got the epidural at 8cm and it was a good thing I did because I spiked a fever and had an emergency c section. I know those feeling of not being able to”tough enough” and “my body failed me” all too well. But it’s all BS. Doesn’t matter how your baby got her, medicated or not medicated, vaginal or c section. Mamas we make PEOPLE. We are all bad asses.
@voice_itw I had to do IVF for my son, and after three days of labor, I had a C-section. He was huge and I’m tiny, so it was probably for the best.

My experience with IVF was absolutely brutal - bed rest for days for horrible migraines, my vision changed, I was constantly nauseous, and I had allergy reactions (welts) from the daily testosterone shots. In fact, I still get welts there year later just for fun.

Some women do IVF with no symptoms at all - same medicine, same process, and the only difference is how our bodies experience it. There’s no way for me change how my body responded, and there’s no way to change how your body responded either.
@voice_itw I had considered a natural birth because I thought I had a relatively high pain tolerance and I was SUPER afraid of the epidural. BUT I hit 5-6cm and was like lol, nope.

Honestly I had a really great birth experience and the epidural contributed to that. Once it was in I wasn’t worried or scared of the pain - I knew it would hurt after but I could focus on trying to stay calm and get baby here versus suffering through the pain.

Modern medicine is amazing. Giving birth is amazing. You grew a whole-ass human being and got her here. Now you get to love her and cherish her - having an epidural changes none of that.