Disappointed that I couldn’t handle the pain of giving birth unmedicated

@voice_itw Genuine question: Why do people want an unmedicated birth? Why have the pain if you can reduce it? I get not wanting an epidural due to restricted movement but what’s wrong with other medications and types of pain relief?
@voice_itw I have given birth 2 times, medicated and unmedicated (not by choice lol baby girl decided to make a very swift exit). But honestly my experience with the epidural was much more painful over all than my unmedicated birth. Each birth is so different. So try not to be down on yourself about not being able to handle the pain of unmedicated birth, every birth is painful!

So you did great mama! Don’t invalidate your experience. You pushed that baby out and sounds like you did what was best for your baby which is all that matters!!
@voice_itw Here’s the secret; those women don’t get a medal or some sort of cash prize for doing it without meds. If people want to do it for personal reasons then cool, I am so supportive of that! But our births aren’t being scored and there’s no reasons to worry about how others did it.

It sounds like you made a great choice for you and your baby, since you were able to get on the ball you didn’t have to go through manipulation or surgery, and you were able to be present for more of the birth rather than focusing on your pain. We wear our strength in different ways. My wife needed an epidural as soon as possible, and she is one of the coolest, most powerful people I know. I’ll use an epidural when I carry, because despite having a super high pain tolerance, I want to be able to remember the experience as much as possible.

You did the right thing. You’re awesome. If you have another baby, get an epidural then, too.
@voice_itw FTM ten weeks out and also struggling with feelings of disappointment that I got an epidural when I really wanted to go unmedicated. I keep thinking of all the things I could’ve done differently that may have not led me to getting an epidural but in the moment the pain was unbearable. I do think I did the right thing by getting the epidural but I’m also very disappointed that I didn’t achieve the unmedicated birth I wanted so badly. No advice, just solidarity. ❤️
@voice_itw I’ve had 2 unmedicated births when I was younger and then this last year I had another baby and got an epidural. 10/10 absolutely recommend the epidural. Why did I put myself through that before?!
@voice_itw hi just wanted to say i had the exact same experience as you!! i did so much prep during pregnancy to go unmedicated and i REALLY wanted to not need an epidural but i also gave in at around 7 cm after the midwife broke my waters. it was unbearable for me and at this point i hadn’t slept in 2 days and reallyyyyy wanted to sleep.

i do not regret getting the epidural at all but i understand the feeling of being disappointed in yourself for not being able to get through it when it feels like so many other people have been able to. but hey! we still did it! we still grew and birthed a beautiful baby! that is still incredible.