How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

@987abc Daycare is $190 a week, M-F. Honestly, we got really lucky and found a great center that's fairly lowcost for our area (South Florida). Breakfast, lunch and snacks included, and the program is mainly in Spanish.

Evenings and weekends we usually just hang with the little dude, but on the few occasions we've gone out, my sister/BIL will watch him. My MIL will also babysit on occasion, but she has a lot of health issues, so we try not to burden her.
@987abc 1200 per month for day care to be able to work. Have never hired a babysitter. Based on attempts to find prt time nanny in the past, seems like 20 bucks an hour would cover it but I don’t even know how you determine who is fit. My SIL talked about paying more to find a good person. Idk how you would even go about selecting a stranger. We just don’t have a life of any kind.
@987abc Just shy of $3k per month for one kiddo in a nanny share - so about $750. HCOL city, obviously. We pay $20-30 per hour for our date nights, depending on who we use.
@987abc We pay $820 a month for daycare and live in MCOL city. It’s reasonable, more than I’d want to pay but still average. They provide formula and food. Luckily my husband and I have a lot of family to watch our son so we havent had to utilize a babysitter.
@987abc HCOL. $2k/ month for daycare M-F 8-6 for 18 month old. They provide breakfast, lunch, snacks, and milk. Once he starts walking daycare will decrease $100. Sitter is $20/hr.
@987abc HCOL, $20/hour for a teenager, $25+ for adult. I wouldn't watch them with a camera (there's a WiFi camera in my kid's room so I guess for bedtime I could look but I don't, feels weird). For nighttime (post-bedtime) I wouldn't check in at all, other than to tell them when we're expecting to be home (though if we were going to get home at 4AM I would think they'd be sleeping so probably wouldn't text). If they did bedtime I'd text afterwards to check in on how it went
@987abc Central Ohio, $280/week. School setting, most meals included, full time.

Our babysitters are family members. Where we used to live we paid $20/hour for a sitter.
@987abc We live in a LCOL area and pay $175 a week for our daycare center for our 2 year old daughter. It’s a really nice great center too and my daughter really enjoys her time there, usually 3-4 days a week. We’ve never hired a babysitter outside of those hours, but only because all of our family is nearby and they will almost always watch her if they have a few days notice. I’ve definitely heard from friends though that hiring a babysitter to watch their child/children in a weekend is pretty steep.