How I got my 3 y/o to do what I want her to

@17cleo My wife does the same with our daughter (2y/o) when she really needs her cooperation. I think its cute as hell. Peppa Pig is the "figure" she listens to the most šŸ˜
@tori955 It's fantastic! I have it on audiobook, it's on the Scribd app (which does a month free trial btw for anyone who fancies reading the book for free!) and I'm reading whilst I do practical stuff. It's got so many good suggestions.
@katrina2017 Fantastic! I hope you find it as useful as I did and things ease up for you. Parenting is hard, we owe it to each other to share as many helpful tips, tricks or books as we can. Good luck!
@17cleo Me and my daughter like to play Shrek and Fiona. If I ask my daughter to do something it's a battle, but if I ask Fiona to do something she almost always says yes to Shrek.
@17cleo Similar, when I canā€™t get my two year old to take a single bite of food we pretend itā€™s a person or an animal asking not to be eaten. Works every time! It gets pretty morbid when the bites of food beg her not to eat them and when they do the next bite is like, ā€œhi Iā€™m tofu, Iā€™m looking for my husband have you-ahhhh! Why????ā€
We may be raising a psychopath but at least sheā€™s not hangry at bedtime!
@allan1967 Omg I do this, too! My little one laughs and laughs. I hope itā€™s because of how outlandish I make the voices and the storylines and not because heā€™s a budding Hannibal. o_O

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