How I got my 3 y/o to do what I want her to

@17cleo This is how I potty trained my son at about 25 months. His favorite stuffed animal decided he wanted to try going on the potty... Et voila! That was the final bit of encouragement he needed. To this day I still do it with various toys, just like you do. Works like a charm.
@17cleo If I even think about a bath too loudly my three year old is stripped and in the bathtub with no hesitation && will stay in there all day if I let her lol
@17cleo This really is a LPT. It’s not an exact science, but just tweak the favorite toy and it can be a game changer. I got my daughter a simple set of Finding Nemo bath Toys when she was about 2 that she’s been obsessed with ever since. Transition to bath time has rarely been an issue since then (she’s similar to OP in using it to extend play for way too long). She always wants to sleep with them too which was an issue but as long as I leave them in her room to “watch over her” she’s good lol. Toddler logic is funny.

Similar deals have been struck with Elmo items. I was having a hard time getting her to drink water in between meals. Then I got a new Elmo sippy cup and BOOM she was always asking to drink “Elmo wa-wa”. Eventually she got used to drinking throughout the day and used any of her cups.
@17cleo I'm just lucky my nephew is a total water baby, seriously the kid loves bath time. Wish he felt that way about naps 😅, though him trying to sneak out of his bed is adorable.
@17cleo I do something similar with a text-to-speech app. My 3yr old named the voice Dino, and he'll comply with anything Dino tells him to do.

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